Eyes Wide Shut Discussion


Elaborating on the "coincidence" thing, compare reality to other things that could have happened: it's supposedly a coincidence that he died "just before the film was released." But that's no more suspicious than at any other point. Observe:

Kubrick dies just after the film, which exposes a sex cult, is released. Coincidence?

Kubrick dies while filming his expose of sex cults. Coincidence?

Kubrick dies while in pre-production for his film about sex cults. Coincidence?

Kubrick dies while securing financing for his film about sex cults. Coincidence?

Kubrick dies while writing the screenplay for his film about sex cults. Coincidence?

And so on. So you could imply that his death was suspicious if it took place any time shortly after, during, or before any part of the production process, a production process which was especially long, too, since the film took an incredible 15 months to shoot. And that's without even getting into the fact that Kubrick began some form of development as early as 1968.

On top of that, there's the larger issue with only finding coincidences in retrospect. At any given moment all sorts of people are making films about controversial subjects that could potentially represent some threat to the powerful or well-connected, so it's meaningless to take them in total, see who died or who didn't, and then imply a conspiracy in retrospect. That's just not how probability works.

Worshiping the genitals over G-d is what the movie was all about
Too bad Kubrick was atheist *shrug*, but never let the finer details interfere with a frothy raving.

Lol, what an epistemic cuck.

The "Fidelio" cult wasn't the central point of the film, as many assume. Tom's sexual obsessiveness is the point. Quite the contrary of being an innocent naif in the garden before eating the apple, his eyes are wide shut because of his unfulfilled obsessive sexual fantasies, which keep him blind to his wife's sexual needs, to his intimate responsibilities. It's his sexual fixation that keeps him immature. The entire film is a series of having Tom's sexual aspirations frustrated and subverted until he learns that this adolescent fascination is an insatiable rabbit-hole.

A system of cells interlinked
Oh man, someone necroed a Leviticus thread... joy!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

does anyone agree that tom cruise is miscast here? tom just fits the comedy or the action movie genre, and not this sexual family guy themed genre
I agree. Tom doesn’t seem like much of a “ladies man”, if you know what I mean.

You ready? You look ready.
Dark evil satanic cult vs humans just being plain nasty?

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I hope you are all aware of Beethoven’s Fidelio….The libretto tells a story of a woman who disguised herself to rescue a man from death.

Sound familiar?

The prostitute woman wearing a mask saves Tom.

The grave just got deeper.

does anyone agree that tom cruise is miscast here? tom just fits the comedy or the action movie genre, and not this sexual family guy themed genre
Heck, no. He made the movie for me.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I wanna ask, who are the two people suddenly look at tom cruise at the Ball, and how the heck did the girl know it was tom cruise who chose her from behind the mask...

I wanna ask, who are the two people suddenly look at tom cruise at the Ball, and how the heck did the girl know it was tom cruise who chose her from behind the mask...
Good question.

I’m not sure if it was Pollack and his wife or if Pollack was Red Cloak. But the one guy nods at Tom as if he knows him.

And it really doesn’t make a lot of sense how the girl could have known that it was Tom behind the mask. I’ve thought about that myself. It’s not like anyone (other than Nick) knew he was coming to the party and Nick only found out 1 hour before he was going so I doubt Nick A) knew the girl and B) told the girl Tom was going to the party.

And she only met Tom once before plus Tom was wearing a mask and a cloak. So it’s not like she could recognize him or his clothes.

Unless she was looking out the window as Tom walked up to the house because he walked up and walked into the house without a mask before he put it on, so it’s possible she might have seen him just before he put the mask on when he entered the house.

Good question.

I’m not sure if it was Pollack and his wife or if Pollack was Red Cloak. But the one guy nods at Tom as if he knows him.

And it really doesn’t make a lot of sense how the girl could have known that it was Tom behind the mask. I’ve thought about that myself. It’s not like anyone (other than Nick) knew he was coming to the party and Nick only found out 1 hour before he was going so I doubt Nick A) knew the girl and B) told the girl Tom was going to the party.

And she only met Tom once before plus Tom was wearing a mask and a cloak. So it’s not like she could recognize him or his clothes.

Unless she was looking out the window as Tom walked up to the house because he walked up and walked into the house without a mask before he put it on, so it’s possible she might have seen him just before he put the mask on when he entered the house.
It doesn t make any sense if that s pollack and his wife, how did he know this is dr. William behind the mask and cloak, this is certainly some plot hole here...and why is that romanian chant being sang backwards, what does it mean?

It doesn t make any sense if that s pollack and his wife, how did he know this is dr. William behind the mask and cloak, this is certainly some plot hole here...and why is that romanian chant being sang backwards, what does it mean?
Well there is a theory that the whole movie is a dream which is why there are plot holes. This film was adapted from a book called “dream story”.

But in an interview, Leon Vitali said people make too much out of the dream theory so maybe it’s not that.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia did it better.

Not for the faint of heart...