What y'all do when not watching movies?


...or MoFoing.

There are two ways to answer this... what do you do when not watching movies as in periods you're just not in the mood to watch films in your leisure times (I'm sure you've had experienced this; I guess I'm asking for what works instead of cinema for you)... and what do you do when not watching a film *literally*; meaning what do you do throughout the day... you can answer anyway you please.

For me for example it's surfing Youtube (Gawd this election cycle news) or getting out to a Cafe and trying to have a conversation with people when I'm not over-thinking about my life all by myself.
HEI guys.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I work. I do home repair which I'm about to do in a few minutes. I also do chores (outside stuff, gardening stuff and just general stuff that needs to be done).

Work or boring household chores ☹️
I do like to crochet though, I'm not very good at it but I enjoy a challenge so will carry on with it.

San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Work or boring household chores ☹️
I do like to crochet though, I'm not very good at it but I enjoy a challenge so will carry on with it.
I wish technology would've sold this chore thing first instead of coming up with ChatGPT and Image generator and other things that put so many artists out of work and were essentially among things we'd like to do ourselves when we had free time

A system of cells interlinked
Spend time with my family (although sometimes we are watching a movie!)

Read - I read a lot.


Spend time outdoors - hiking, swimming, doing stuff around the yard etc.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

.... think about watching movies?

Read - I read a lot.
What do you usually read?

I've overdosed on novels these past few years.

If I'm awake, not at work, and not watching a movie or on MoFo, then I'm probably playing a mobile game or scrolling Reddit, Letterboxd, or Instagram. Unless it's a Friday evening, then I'm probably at my friend's house having dinner with her and her family.

In the cooler months, I do a fair amount of walking but summer in northern California means I'm not going anywhere I don't have to go.

Makes the two of us, buddy.

A system of cells interlinked
What do you usually read?

I've overdosed on novels these past few years.
I try to break it up so I am reading both fiction and nonfiction, and I try my damnedest to not lean too hard into sci-fi, even if it is my favorite genre of fiction by a long shot.

Books I am currently reading:

I had set this one down for a bit while I finished a couple of other books, but I am back at it now. Extremely purple language, as Wolfe is known for. The subject matter isn't pulling me in as much as Look Homeward Angel did, but it's still a really good book so far.

I have been reading this for ages. What, two or three years now? A chapter now and then is all I can take, really. Not sure when I will finish it, but I will finish it eventually.

Just finished Pushing Ice by Alastair Reynolds and Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance, as well.

I have Ted Chiang's Stories of Your Life and Others lined up next, as well as Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.

I also have probably a dozen or so other sci-fi books waiting in the wings, as well.

That’s me right there.

Also — worrying. I do read a lot, but for some reason, I no longer get enjoyment from it, which is depressing. Listening to music! That never disappoints, so I do it non-stop.