The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here

Get me to watch your top musicals, but no promises


It's about the Continental Congress and their struggles to declare independence...and write the Declaration of Independence. I almost spelled that Decoration of Independence, yikes John Adams would not be happy!
"I'll speak to the printer about it later."

- John Adams

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

1776 (1972)

Yup, this is a musical. No George aka G. Washington doesn't sing we don't even see him. It's about the Continental Congress and their struggles to declare independence...and write the Declaration of Independence. I almost spelled that Decoration of Independence, yikes John Adams would not be happy!

I liked this much better the 2nd time watching it. I was fascinated by the personal struggles of John Adams who according to the movie was not liked by anyone...but was respected by many. I found the actor who played him, William Daniels to be an excellent John Adams. Likewise veteran actor Howard Da Sivla who I mainly know from noir brought Benjamin Franklin to life in a most satisfying way.

1776 is most likely a lock for my list. I love William Daniels as John Adams.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
"I'll speak to the printer about it later."

- John Adams
Ha, I get it! And I remember that line from the movie. If they remade 1776 they could have Gwyneth Paltrow play Martha Jefferson

1776 is most likely a lock for my list. I love William Daniels as John Adams.
If only Captain Steel would send in a ballot. We know he likes 1776 and Oklahoma

Victim of The Night
As always, I would ask someone to sit and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Really watch it, taking it seriously, at least as much as the film asks you too.
Not as some farcical relic of a time but as a real musical, the way I see it.
Notice its three-act structure (and it's very clear when Act I ends and Act II begins and when Act II ends and Act III begins) and savor its wonderful songs and witty dialogue, it's absurdist situations, and its pathos. Not to mention how they're doing it all on a tight budget because a bunch of theater-folk had already performed it a couple hundred times by this point and had their marks down. And while you're at it you can enjoy it's homagery (now a word) to Hammer Horror, Glam Rock, and 50s and 60s Sci-Fi.
Enjoy it for what it really is not what everyone thinks it is. It is a Great Musical.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks everyone for the suggestions

Pretty sure this would be in my top 3: Cabaret
I really hope to watch that again before the deadline to vote is up. About 1 month left now.

Features at 16 on the Rottentomatoes top 100 Musicals list.
Was nominated for the Best Foreign Feature Film Oscar.

Baahubali The Beginning
Thanks I'm not really into Bollywood musicals but I know they are well made and respected.

As always, I would ask someone to sit and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Really watch it, taking it seriously, at least as much as the film asks you too.
Not as some farcical relic of a time but as a real musical, the way I see it.
Seen that once at a late, late showing at a theater in the 1980s that was enough But don't worry it will probably make the countdown.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@LeBoyWondeur The 5000 Fingers of Dr T. I have that movie but haven't watched it. I didn't realize it was a musical. The Boy Friend, I just tried to watch that last night and bailed after an hour, not my cuppa.

Victim of The Night
Seen that once at a late, late showing at a theater in the 1980s that was enough But don't worry it will probably make the countdown.
But that was actually my point. That it is a real musical and a really good one that deserves to be viewed like you would view The Sound Of Music or anything else before it is judged by midnight showings and people throwing toast.

Trouble with a capital "T"
But that was actually my point. That it is a real musical and a really good one that deserves to be viewed like you would view The Sound Of Music or anything else before it is judged by midnight showings and people throwing toast.
I get what you're saying and it's a good point too, you're saying forget the throwing rice and shouting lines when watching Rocky Horror Picture Show but instead just think of it as a regular type musical.

But that was actually my point. That it is a real musical and a really good one that deserves to be viewed like you would view The Sound Of Music or anything else before it is judged by midnight showings and people throwing toast.
I'll second that since, at one point, I bought the Rocky Horror soundtrack.

If only Captain Steel would send in a ballot. We know he likes 1776 and Oklahoma
What do I have to do to submit a ballot?

You can always put me down for 1776 (probably my favorite)
Bye Bye Birdie
West Side Story
The Music Man
Hello Dolly
South Pacific
Viva Las Vegas

There's so many more that I can't think of right now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What do I have to do to submit a ballot?

You can always put me down for 1776 (probably my favorite)
Bye Bye Birdie
West Side Story
The Music Man
Hello Dolly
South Pacific
Viva Las Vegas

There's so many more that I can't think of right now.
Those all great ones! To submit a ballot just read the 1st and 2nd post on this thread
Note that the movie you put on the top of the list will be considered your #1 choice and will receive maximum points each movie after that receives one less point, it's a weighted ballot.

To refresh your memory ( I know I need mine refreshed!) Look at this advanced search list at IMDB for top rated musicals, I'm sure you've seen many of these.,desc

Victim of The Night
I get what you're saying and it's a good point too, you're saying forget the throwing rice and shouting lines when watching Rocky Horror Picture Show but instead just think of it as a regular type musical.
I'm saying it IS a regular type musical. I mean, when they created the stage play and then eventually when they made the movie, they had no idea there would be a cult response to it and that the scene around the film would overshadow the film. I mean, the play is the thing, man.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm saying it IS a regular type musical. I mean, when they created the stage play and then eventually when they made the movie, they had no idea there would be a cult response to it and that the scene around the film would overshadow the film. I mean, the play is the thing, man.
Yup, I know. I had heard that the audience participation stuff came later.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
As always, I would ask someone to sit and watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Really watch it, taking it seriously, at least as much as the film asks you too.
Not as some farcical relic of a time but as a real musical, the way I see it.
Notice its three-act structure (and it's very clear when Act I ends and Act II begins and when Act II ends and Act III begins) and savor its wonderful songs and witty dialogue, it's absurdist situations, and its pathos. Not to mention how they're doing it all on a tight budget because a bunch of theater-folk had already performed it a couple hundred times by this point and had their marks down. And while you're at it you can enjoy it's homagery (now a word) to Hammer Horror, Glam Rock, and 50s and 60s Sci-Fi.
Enjoy it for what it really is not what everyone thinks it is. It is a Great Musical.
The problem is that once you've seen Rocky Horror hundreds of times in the theater with the audience participation, it's almost impossible to watch it without the audience lines popping into your head.