Lyrics Challenge Game


I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer

But make no mistakes and switch up my channel
I'm Buddy Rich when I fly off the handle
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

Why does it feel that everybody is ignoring everybody else... including me??

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Death Proof,
Sabotage - Beastie Boys

Run - Collective Soul

Alrighty then, here's mine... again!

You think that you can hold
The searing, molten gold between your fingers
But it slips through, tearing tendons as it goes
Exposing the white of a knuckle
Flesh and metal forming letters in the mould
"Well, it's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid" - Clint Eastwood as The Stranger, High Plains Drifter (1973)

"I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours" - Bob Dylan, Talkin' World War III Blues (1963)

Why does it feel that everybody is ignoring everybody else... including me??

Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Death Proof,
Sabotage - Beastie Boys

Run - Collective Soul

Alrighty then, here's mine... again!

You think that you can hold
The searing, molten gold between your fingers
But it slips through, tearing tendons as it goes
Exposing the white of a knuckle
Flesh and metal forming letters in the mould
The Emperor In His War Room - Peter Hammill

You are correct... and thank you.

No research required here!

Pink Houses - John Mellencamp

Assuming I'm correct...

If you stand up like a nail, then you will be knocked down
I've been too honest with myself, I should have lied like everybody else

Why does it feel that everybody is ignoring everybody else... including me??

I'm not ignoring any of these. I've just never heard of most of these songs, or even some of the artists.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer

I hope you know I pack a chainsaw
I'll skin your ass raw

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Why does it feel that everybody is ignoring everybody else... including me??
I've read all the lyrics clues here, I don't know most of them.

Why let that stop you? That's what "research" is for...
If by research you mean using google to look up the lyrics, that's cheating...and boring, why play if that's the case?

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer

Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world