The Vanishing (Spoorloos) (1988) a George Sluizer film

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The Vanishing (Spoorloos) (1988)

I found it to have very little climatic suspence scenes in all totally it has three very impotant ones which felt just right for the film. It built tension between the way a scene was shot and how actors talked to each other. those scene with tension were so well done that it never let you go from beginning to end. I wouldn't really consider it hitchcockian but it was in the spirit of his films. I thought it had more of a dramatic side to it.

I always felt like there was something hidden within scenes well at least that's what I felt for instance the game that goes over that uneventful day. I always thought there's something there also certain ways characters acted. After leaving her in the car in the dark tunnel he walks out and has a big grin on his face suddle looks and intresting narrative style makes the impact of the movie more and more involving to the audience.

The bad guy plays his part so laid back it's almost sickening to watch him in the simplest of scenes. Most of the phyiscal scene didn't seem to bug me as much as when you see him go threw the process of practicing to kidnapp someone going threw all the same little details over the spand of the movie seeing how they will work timing them. Watching his brain tick that's what really got to me over the period of the movie.

Visually it's almost unrelenting every scene has the feeling of meticulously ploted out and beautifully lite and is noticable in the kidnapping scene were the light goes slowly down without jumping the gun from light to dark. It also looks hard and straight without any ruff edge's.

The remake pales in comparision were Hollywood takes all the tough to swallow of the script and turns them in to half witted scenes to make the audience happy. About the only good thing about the remake is Jeff Bridges and still I'd take Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu over him any day, there's real no comparing the too.

Remakimg this film was a wrong thing to do it's got holloywood written all over it which just became a easy meal ticket for grossing money which becomes overly obvsion from start to finish. The original was a experiment into terror, tension & Dynamics.

The DVD is the way to go with this film, NO Pan & Scan for me and if your going to watch it I would say it the most important thing to do is to rent the Widescreen DVD trust me.

come on people someone has to have either liked it or disliked it tell me what you thought. Do you like the remake more or less have you only seen the remake not the original.

what things do you think they did in the original better or not as good. what did they not add to the remake that you thought they should have.

Registered User
I'm interested in seeing this. I've heard from many people that it's a 'classic thriller'. I went to and they don't have it listed, they lied George Sluizer as directing the 1993 re-make. That's probably a mistake.

Nope it's right he did directed his on re-make like Hitchcock did with The Man Who Knew Too Much.

The Vanshing
it's under the name Spoorloos which I'm guessing is french for Vanishing.

check it out The Vanshing

One of the most haunting thrillers ever made this one delivers on all fronts. Beautifully shot, well written with a very deliberate pace this film is like a chinese thumb screw.

The tension just builds and builds with occasional venting. All the cast are brilliant and go along way to drawing us into this world of tension and surprises.

Hard to believe the same guy directed the horrible Kiefer Sutherland remake. This version is smart and powerful.

Not to be overlooked go grab this bad boy right away.
******"The Majority Is Always Wrong" Steve Mcqueen in Enemy Of The People******

It was beauty killed the beast.
The Dutch version is an excellent film with everbuilding suspense, and a strong dramatic arc; unfortunately, the American remake is a dumbed down, watered down version.

The Criterion DVD has an excellent transfer, but sadly it's pretty much bare-bones as far as special features are concerned. A commentary track by Sluzier explaining what the hell he was thinking in remaking the film would have been interesting to hear.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa

The Dutch version is an excellent film with everbuilding suspense, and a strong dramatic arc; unfortunately, the American remake is a dumbed down, watered down version.

The Criterion DVD has an excellent transfer, but sadly it's pretty much bare-bones as far as special features are concerned. A commentary track by Sluzier explaining what the hell he was thinking in remaking the film would have been interesting to hear.
i have never seen the american version

I guess this October is as good a time as any to finally watch this.
It's very good

It's a very good film. Some of the metaphors/allegories were way too obvious, but the Dracula-like characterization of the villain (in the sense he portrays himself as a normal person in public) and the exploration of how obsession affects both characters throughout many years is more than enough to make it an easy recommendation.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I liked the remake. I watched it before I found out that it was one, and thought the story was very gripping, alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Jeff Bridges giving some of the best performances of their careers. Some day I'd also like to give the original a watch.

I liked the remake. I watched it before I found out that it was one, and thought the story was very gripping, alongside Kiefer Sutherland and Jeff Bridges giving some of the best performances of their careers. Some day I'd also like to give the original a watch.
The remake definitely gets ragged on quite a bit (and, deservedly, in my opinion) for some of the changes that they made to the original story. To me, it stands out as an almost hilariously bad example of altering an original work. I definitely won't say more because some of the changes are big enough that it would get into serious spoiler territory.

But I think that the derision people feel toward the plot decisions can lead them to disregard the strengths of the movie. Like you say, the performances are really good and it's a great premise.

Once you watch the original I think you might appreciate why some people look down on the remake. But at the same time, having seen the remake first, you probably won't feel the same frustration of people who saw the original and then saw how it was altered in the newer version. Or maybe having seen the remake as your "original" version you'll prefer the changes. Who knows?

I watched the remake on TV in like the late-90s, and the one image I've always remembered from it is someone drawing an infinity symbol on the fog in a car window.

Lvl 20 CN Wiser - Channeler 10 / Collaborator 10
Methinks the original one is exceedingly good.

The remake; well, not bad whilst far below the level of the original.

The original is a terrific piece of Tourist Horror, but the bizarre mix of Dutch and Flemish dialects in mostly clunky dialogue made it a little less enjoyable for me.