A scary thing happened on the way to the Movie Forums - Horrorcrammers


Alright, that said, Perfect Blue was really good and I would absolutely watch it again and recommend it to anyway who can watch anime (not everybody can deal with animation as an adult medium and not every animation fan gels with anime). I'd certainly be open to watching more films like it and I'd love to have seen a well-done live-action adaptation of this.

I really like Perfect Blue but it definitely has it's issues. If you haven't seen any of Satoshi Kon's other films definitely check them out as he just gets better and better. Paprika and Millennium Actress don't have the horror elements but are just as reality blurring, utterly gorgeous and for me stick their landings better. Tokyo Godfathers is more grounded but no less amazing. Also as Takoma already pointed out the TV series he did Paranoia Agent is also very good.

A system of cells interlinked
There I was just a workin' away like any Friday, when Stooge and Roger from Night of the Demons walk in.

My wife adores this film, so I made sure to get her an autographed custom one-sheet (which we had just finished printing, and they were there to pick up).

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Alright, that said, Perfect Blue was really good and I would absolutely watch it again and recommend it to anyway who can watch anime (not everybody can deal with animation as an adult medium and not every animation fan gels with anime). I'd certainly be open to watching more films like it and I'd love to have seen a well-done live-action adaptation of this.
I'll echo a lot of what @Daakmore and @Takoma said. I saw this back in the late 90s and felt it was a solid film. I didn't feel like it was groundbreaking, but solid. I think from the same era, I recall digging the Serial Experiments: Lain OVA a lot at the time (affected by there's confusion as to what's going on in the series and at the time, was not able to get the penultimate disc, so I also had a narrative gap for trying to understand what was going on).

And getting around to Satoshi Kon's other stuff around a decade later, I found myself liking Paranoia Agent the most (and then Paprika). Tokyo Godfathers is a Christmas staple for a friend of mine, and well, is pretty much what one would probably want out of a Christmas movie. Millennium Actress is fine. I'd like to watch it as part of a double feature with the 1986 Japanese film, To Sleep So As To Dream, which I think it is in the mold of (I watched them far enough apart that I might be drawing stronger connections than are there, but I don't think so).

It is still really sad remembering that Satoshi Kon died so young.