New 90s chart


Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
Someone (possibly @Citizen Rules?) mentioned that there were plans afoot for a new version of a 90s top 100 countdown.

I was thinking, how about get the ballots started????

Could get it done for a christmas/new year finale, hot on the dancing heels of the musicals countdown.

That's not how it's done.

First, we need to verify that 90s is next, for that we need @Yoda.
Second, we need someone to volunteer as host.

Also, traditionally we do not start that process until the end of the currently running countdown. People just got done cramming for musicals and now we want to focus on the unveiling of the result of that work.

This results in us completing two countdowns per year (though this year was technically three countdowns due to the concurrent Noir and Neo Noir countdowns). You're perfectly welcome to start prepping for a 90s countdown whenever you want, but the official preparation period for the next countdown won't be until after the completion of the current one.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Someone (possibly @Citizen Rules?) mentioned that there were plans afoot for a new version of a 90s top 100 countdown.

I was thinking, how about get the ballots started????

Could get it done for a christmas/new year finale, hot on the dancing heels of the musicals countdown.

What I had said was, that it was a strong possibility that a 90s redo countdown would be next. But we have to confirm that when the time arrives.

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
Btw Thursday Next seems to have done a cracking job on the musicals, so I nominate her again.

(when I say nominate I mean propose, as technically I don't have nomination authority).

The trick is not minding
I’m hoping for a 90’s re do, so I’ll be voting for it when it comes time to do so. That won’t be for a few more months, however, as we vote on the next countdown only after the current one ends.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Btw Thursday Next seems to have done a cracking job on the musicals, so I nominate her again.

(when I say nominate I mean propose, as technically I don't have nomination authority).
Hopefully we can get the next countdown process done faster, but...we usually wait until the current countdown reveal is over which is in approximately 43 days from now. Then we can start debating what countdown should be next. If most all of us are behind a 90s redo and if someone comes forward and volunteers to host it, we could start it fairly quickly after the Musical countdown is over. But for now let's all sing and dance

I’m hoping for a 90’s re do, so I’ll be voting for it when it comes time to do so. That won’t be for a few more months, however, as we vote on the next countdown only after the current one ends.
Are we doing an actual vote for it or just a loose discussion? This is what Yoda said after Musicals won last time:

Musicals wins! And 90s Redux is next in line, by default. We can/will still discuss whether it should still come next, but we're penciling it in unless something comes up or a particularly popular or compelling alternative is advanced.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Btw Thursday Next seems to have done a cracking job on the musicals, so I nominate her again.

(when I say nominate I mean propose, as technically I don't have nomination authority).

Thanks, but no thanks. Someone else can have a turn. Although at least with the decade lists the eligibility should be more straightforward

The logic last time is that certain things never quite win but finish second a lot, and also that the process of nominating and then voting adds a lot of downtime between lists. People also get a little sore if their choice doesn't win and I think that hurts participation as a sort of indirect protest. All of these issues are either solved or partially alleviated by simply taking the top two vote getters. It's not a rule, just an idea I really like that most people seemed to be on board with.

I think we can/should leave it open, but it should be a higher threshold, IE: should we deviate from the next planned list? And even then, only do so if there's a clear consensus to switch it up for one reason or another. Otherwise it really simplifies things and streamlines the process, a process people are already generally impatient about.

So yeah, I think 90s refresh as a presumed next list, with a high-threshold option to override it if a lot of people want to, would be the way to go, personally.

It's going to be nice to do a 90's countdown redo next, I'm down with that
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The trick is not minding
Are we doing an actual vote for it or just a loose discussion? This is what Yoda said after Musicals won last time:
You are correct. I had forgotten that it was the next countdown up he default.