Gideon does GLEE


Season One, Ep 20. It was weird seeing Tina getting in trouble for her luck because I was just thinking that she never looked hotter. "My parents won't even let me watch mom thinks Kristina Stewart is a bitch." Kurt looks like he's in heaven at the thought of living with Finn and his mom. LOVED that suit Kurt was wearing in that scene. Manwhore Puck doesn't know who Lady GaGa is? How can Vocal Adrenaline sing in those costumes? Idina's "Funny Girl" was fantastic but I don't see what that song has to do with what she was saying to Vocal Adrenaline. I wonder if Idina was ever approached about the Funny Girl revival before Beanie Feldstein and Lea. she'd be a fantastic Fanny. You could see that Rachel is terrified seeing that her mother didn't become a huge star and that it might be genetic. The way Shelby left that scene was SO selfish, I felt bad for Rachel, a rarity so far. Loved her and Kurt's GaGa costumes. The "Bad Romance" number was fantastic. Those football players really need to get a life. This gay bashing is so 1970's. The GLEE boys nailed KISS. Dijon Talton actually got a line in this episode. He tried to hide it, but Kurt was thrilled when Finn told him that those guys think he and Finn are lovers. I can't believe Kurt doesn't know how uncomfortable he is making Finn. Will doesn't need to be interfering with Rachel and Shelby. I can't believe Kurt would think Finn would be comfortable with that bedroom. Mike O'Malley was brilliant when Burt stepped up for his son?

Season One, Ep 21. Jonathan Groff and Vocal Adrenaline were great on "Another One Bites the Dust." They TP'd the choir room/ Not too childish. Why did it look like W\ill is regretting his decision to divorce Terri. The idea of Puck and Finn teaming up is intriguing. I laughed out loud when Sue said Lincoln was the first gay POTUS. Why do they keep bringing Sandy back? That character has worn out its welcome. "I'm so depressed I wore the same outfit twice this week." Loved everyone laughing at Quinn about wanting to be funky. You just know that Quinn is going to bring it. "You destroy the heart of a team's heart and you destroy the team." Not sure what Will was trying to do with "Tell Me Something Good". Whatever it was, apparently it didn't work. "But this is all the pink we have?" How am I supposed to shop without my Kenny G?" "Something strange happened yesterday, I felt something below the neck." This whole Will seducing Sue thing is turning my stomach. "I have this compulsive need to crush other people's dreams." Finn and Terri? Seriously? Dianna Aragon didn't make me sick with "It's a Man's World." Loved her pregnant chorus girls. I liked Puck and Finn's "Good Vibrations" than that other number they did. Will is being so weird about this funk assignment, as always, his assignments are vague and then he gets upset when they don't nail it. "I don't even like you and I was willing to jump at the chance to be with you." Will considers what he did with Sue "destroying" her? The ego on this guy. I cannot believe Jessie did that to Rachel. "we're about to go all Braveheart on Vocal Adrenaline." "Even your breath stinks of mediocrity." This episode should have been on Jane Lynch's Emmy reel. OK, I liked "We Want the Funk" but I don't understand how that was supposed to hurt Vocal Adrenaline.

I have to admit, I didn't think we'd ever get here, but we're finally at the Season One Finale. Loved when Sue said his hair looked like a briar patch. They got me with Quinn's dream. It's like they all walked a thousand miles only to get punched in the stomach?" Emma and the dentist...ok. Whether or not Emma and the dentist have had sex is none of Will's business. I want to see what happens with Quinn because, if memory serves, she was written off at season one. Will's speech was so corny. Why are the judges in the audience? Loved the shot about Finn's dancing. Cory and Lea sounded really ice on "Faithfully." Well I see Nya finally got solo in 'Don't Stop Believing." Why isn't Quinn's father in the audience? Who would cheat on Charlotte Ross? Sorry, I love Jonathan Groff, but he's no Freddie Mercury. Liked the choreography though. Shelby is really coming off as rather insensitive. She says she missed out with Rachel, but I don't see a lot of remorse there. Can't believe Olivia Newton-John was mad only one group sang one of their songs. I love them making Olivia Newton-John a bitch for this episode. I knew Vocal Adrenaline was going to win because New Directions needs something to aim for for the next five seasons. Why was Emma getting so emotional about all this? OMG, Dijon Talton was finally allowed to speak! "To Sir with Love" was a little syrupy choice for a finale, but it was well performed. I had a feeling sue voted for New Directions. After everything that she's done, Sue softening during the finale just doesn't ring true. I could have lived without "Over the Rainbow."

And now the second season opener. Why do we have to start season 2 with Jacob, the show's most annoying character. Mark Salling looks amazing in this episode. Jacob did have a point about Will rapping. "How do you get the white on rice." The first appearance of Dot Marie Jones as Coach Beiste. "You're all coffee and no omelette. They actually addressed the firing of Dijon Talton, which is silly because they never gave the guy a chance. Liked the number on the school steps though it's motivation was a little muddy, at least to the students watching the number. Loved that somebody wrote Buttface McBall Nuts on Will's sign up sheet. Sue and Will teaming up again Beiste...nothing good can come of this. Chord Overstreet's naked debut as Sam Evans. Love when people talk to people who can't speak English think English is understandable if you speak slower and louder. That was kind of cool number Rachel and that girl were doing until it was interrupted by Sue, which actually was funny. Sending Beiste pizzas? That's the best Will and Sue could come up with? "Being gay isn't a handicap, Artie." No argument with Tina about Harry Shum's abs. "Dude, your mouth is many tennis balls can you fit in there?" Who belongs to that song "Billionaire"? Sunshine doesn't deserve whatever Rachel has planned for her. Loved Puck's joke about Helen Keller. Why does Artie think being on the football team will get Tina back? Glad to see Quinn is still with the show. Finn's audition for the Cheerios was the funniest thing EVER!! It's weird that Sue has issues with plastic surgery, you'd think she would applaud any improvement to a Cheerio's appearance and he was way too hard on Santana. I like that they're addressing the fact that Santana was seriously underused during season one. Why does Finn think Sam idolizes him? "I didn't send her to an active crack house." Rachel legitimizing what she did to Sunshine was hysterical. I don't remember Sunshine at all from the first time I watched this show. She nailed "Listen" and I loved Rachel freaking out because of it. Sue made cookies out of dog poop? Sam became the quarterback five minutes after joining the team? Cheyenne Jackson!

Season Two, Ep 2. Please don't let this entire episode be about the music of Christopher Cross. That whole Brittany thing was stupid. Love the way bristles whenever Emma mention's Carl's name. OMG, John Stamos is playing Carl! "The only thing that's saving you right now is my moral code." "I was pretty sure Dr Pepper was a dentist." Heather Morris' "Slave 4 You" was smoking hot. The camera really loved Naya Rivera. The Kurt/Will encounter was awesome. Convenient how Will is so concerned about Emma now that someone else is showing interest in her. Love the way they sprinkled the real Brittney throughout the episode. "I think that guy just broke up with this girlfriend so he could stare at you." Please get rid of Jacob. Terri's appearance was a total shock to me. She really thinks Will is going to forgive her. Enjoyed Kevin McHale and the football team's take on "Stronger". Why is Beiste putting Artie on the football team? "the only way this relationship is going to work is if we're both losers." Actually enjoyed Matthew on "Toxic" and why was Sue so upset? I wonder if they're ever going to give Sue a life? "I mean seriously, you wear more vests than the cast of "Blossom." Emma is LOVING the fact that Will is jealous of Carl, "US History...I forgot I was taking that." Wow, how insecure is Rachel to use Quinn like that. "The Only Exception" was kind of a blah finale to the episode.

Season Two. Ep 3. The grilled cheese opening was stupid. A coke and two slim jims, the breakfast of champions. Every scene with Chris Colfer and Mike O'Malley is gold. It's looking like this episode is going to get a little touchy. Liked Puck's salute to Billy Joel. No argument regarding Kurt's feelings about how most churches treat gays. Finn yelling at Kurt for not calling him was totally uncalled for. Mercedes nailed "I Look to You." "I think God is like Santa Claus for adults." Of course, Sue had to stick her nose into this, which would be ok if it were her class. Did Finn actually say "Jew Church"? What Sue is doing to Kurt is evil. So are we supposed to be believe that Sue's evil stems from the way Jean was treated when they were children? I'm sorry, every moment he had onscreen in this episode made Finn look like a moron. Rachel using Kurt's dad's sickness to get closer to Finn is kind of gross. Not sure I cared for the context behind Rachel's "Papa Can You Hear Me?" Lea did a great job on the song though. Loved when Beiste called Finn "Lurch." Chris Colfer's take on "I wanna hold your had" reminded me of the movie Across the Universe. Puck should have done "Losing My Religion". Loved the hat Kurt wore to church but surprised nobody said anything about it. Loved "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". Amber Riley has one serious set of pipes,

Season 3, Ep 4. Why would Puck do such a thing? What is it about this restaurant Breadsticks that gets everyone in a tizzy? Glad Kurt figured out that Sam is straight. "I like something warm beneath me or I can't digest my food." I'm definitely down with Mercedes and Santana doing a duet. I understand where Finn was coming from with Kurt, but I'm not sure if it was his place. A little more imagination could have been put into a choice of duet for Finn and Rachel. Don't believe Rachel assuming they're going to win and must throw this competition. OK, I'm beginning to get the appeal of Breadsticks. What is Brittany up to with Artie? "Why does couple therapy have to be Asian?" Why is Finn so concerned about Sam and Kurt? Well, Sam got his first slushie, he's officially Glee Club now. There's definitely some chemistry between Dianna Aragon and Chord Overstreet. It's sweet watching Kurt take care of his dad. I cannot believe that Kurt still thinks Sam might be gay. Burt's advice to Kurt was perfect. Mercedes and Santa's duet did not disappoint. Kurt could have waited until Sam got out of the shower to have that conversation. Brittany is definitely going to break Artie's heart. Chris Colfer knocked "Le Jazz Hot" out of the park. Why is Quinn fighting her attraction to Sam so hard? "I need to start learning to ignore people." "Sing" was a perfect duet for Mike and Tina but the choreography was over the top. Why is Finn staying in Sam's face? What Finn and Rachel did with "I'm Born Again" was truly cringy. Whose song is the one Quinn and Sam did? "I've been practicing nudging the meatball across the table to you...with my nose." I knew Brittany was gong to break Artie's heart. How did Sam and Quinn win that contest and if everybody voted for themselves, how did they win by two votes? That last scene with Kurt and Rachel was lovely.

"Why would [insert any name here] do such a thing?" captures this show perfectly.
HEI guys.