One thing that stood out to me (and correct me if I misunderstood) was that you won't talk to or greet this brutal neighbor mom.
That's totally understandable as most rational people would go out of their way to avoid such a person, but maybe (and this is a long shot) if you changed this approach it might end up changing things for you (even if it doesn't change anyone else).
What if, instead of avoiding this woman, you said hello to her if you passed her? And eventually maybe even struck up conversations? You could possibly, tactfully drop hints as to the behavior you've observed (perhaps by using the old "friend" tactic - someone who doesn't exist but who happens to have some of the same challenges this lady has). Or perhaps you could share stories about how children turned out to be great successes due to the love, respect and support their parents showed to them.
I'm not saying this will change anything, but it's worth a try. Sometimes when we observe the good examples set by someone with a good heart like yourself, it can change something in us.
I realize this is a bit of a Pollyanna strategy, but it probably can't make things worse, and may have a positive effect on how you feel about the situation even if it only serves as a way to say you proactively took a step to address the situation before resorting to getting authorities involved.
No, I totally get that. And in the interest of expedience I didn’t necessarily paint a full picture, of course I’ve spoken to her many times — and her husband, and the kid — as we’ve been neighbours for two years. I’ve had an intense few years myself, and her son only came to join her a bit later, some time after she moved here, so her son has been living next to me for about a year and a few months, and things only seem to have gotten this dire fairly recently. I used to greet her and I somewhat acknowledge her now, but yes, I do try not to cross paths with her when I can help it because all this is seriously stressing me out and the screaming and shouting at their place is definitely getting worse.
I mean, I’ve worked with kids all my life (babysitting, tutoring, etc) and in my experience, parents
hate to be told what to do or ‘suggested to’ when it comes to anything to do with how they raise their kids. But interestingly, just before you responded here, I was speaking to a family friend on the phone and he suggested something similar-ish, i.e. telling her that there could be concerns raised about how she treats the kid and to be careful in case someone felt there was cause to involve the authorities. He’s a lawyer, so he would know, and he has kids. That sounds like a middle ground of sorts to me, but I also feel like it’s cowardly of me and it’s not enough.
But I’m not going to lie, I can be quite harsh and categorical when it comes to kids. I am fiercely protective of kids, have been all my life (I was a weak child, with health issues, so yes, I’m biased, but I just don’t see any rationale or excuse, any at all, to behave like she does). I don’t want to make this too political, so I’ll leave it there, but I have all sorts of slightly more charged thoughts on the subject.
Anyway, I don’t mean to hijack the thread with this situation. Everyone’s input has been invaluable and I’m pretty clear on what I’m doing, so I will leave it there. It was really therapeutic to talk about this here.