Oscar buzz for Wil Smith


Did anyone else catch Wil Smith on Oprah during Thanksgiving weekend? Jada must be so proud of him... there is a lot of buzz going around about an Oscar for Wil's performance as Ali... not only that but her husband is extremely built now

Anyways I can't believe it took them so long to finally come out with this. I read somewhere that Wil was offered the part like 6 years ago or something, but didn't agree to do it until recently. I can see why... it's hard enough to have to go through the training and learn how to box... but it's a completely other thing to have to portray the greatest boxer ever! Anyways I took at some clips of Wil fighting and he looks like he does a pretty good job of it.


There are good interview clips on Oprah.com too

But anyways I really hope Wil gets at least a nomination for this. His talent goes unnoticed because of the less serious roles he's played before, but he really is a talented actor.

I'm inclined to agree. He looks a bit more slender than Ali actually was...but when I remind myself of the fact that they're actually completely different people, most of my gripes about what I've seen so far melt away. One thing I will say, though, is that I think the voice could've used more work.

Example: when Jim Carrey spoke in "Man on the Moon," he sounded almost completely like Kaufman. Even when specifically looking for it, I couldn't detect more than the smallest hint of Carrey's voice underneath. With Smith, though, it's quite obviously his voice. If I had heard Carrey imitating Kaufman, and someone had told me it was Kaufman, I probably would've believed them. If I performed the same test with Smith's version of Ali, I'm pretty sure I'd detect enough of his actual voice to say "that sounds sort of like Will Smith."

Still, I've got to be realistic...not all portrayals can be as staggeringly impressive as Carrey's was. I think he's got a lot of Ali's basic personality and arrogance down...and he sure has bulked up big time. Before now, I'd always thought of him as a bit of a gangly, skinny guy, with big ears. Now I think of him as a muscular guy, albeit a bit slender.

Registered User
I agree TWT, Carrey was absolutely robbed for Man on the Moon of a nom, he was kaufman! he was also magnificant in truman show,

back on topic though --> he will most likely get the nomination

Registered User
Yeah, i'm gonna have to agree with Guy and say i think Will is probably going to get some sort of nomination for this role as Ali if it's halfway decent..and it looks like it is. it looks better than decent to me.. he doesn't even sound the same.. maybe his voice, but his speech patterns are distinctly different..obvious there was some coaching there.

Registered User
Seeing as I havn't even seen a trailer 4 this movie I can't really say if he should get a nomination.

But, I agree that if he does a half-decent job of it he'll get a nomination 4 simply playing the part of Sports Illustrated's Sportman of the 20th Century.


Well it looks like Wil Smith delivered enough to earn him a Golden Globe nomination so far! His performance was amazing, as well as the performances of the supporting actors. Mann does it again.

I was especially impressed by the boxing scenes. Looks like Wil has what it takes to become a boxer! Well, he has the body at least!