Movie You're Watching Tonight


Given my very complicated relationship with yoga, this seems apt.

Don’t know who thought of that intro. Waaay too long, and the idea that someone with no balance would try to be a yoga teacher is laughable (well, yes, people do it, but really). Then again, she is somewhat believable. All that condescending fakery.

I don't actually wear pants.
Maybe tonight I'll watch Aliens. Yeah that sounds like a good plan. I need a video game breather so that sounds like a good breath of fresh medium. I'll forget it's James Cameron.

Crap; I have migraine vision. If I can get over it without the cognitive disconnects I can watch it. If not it'll wait until tomorrow. I'm already have thinking troubles.

Yeah my brain wasn't working very well yesterday either. I had a migraine hangover and the appointment wore me out, and then D&D wiped me out. I'm going to try today after the kiddos are in bed. It is probably evident I had some cognitive issues the other day when I typed "I'm already have thinking troubles". Migraines are a nightmare.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

I think i'm happy about joining again The Criterion Channel, with choosing Demonlover from 2002 as the inaugural watch, it's agreeable to my tinnitus, usually sophisticated films from the early 00's were like this with a ambient like soundtrack that allows a deeper immersion into what's being shown, which is all natural, normal regular people as seen with a precise and sharp point of view.

This has been ridiculously hard to find. It’s on Netflix, yes, but as ever, I’ve been trying to find a dubbed version. Ah well. Alas, I am the minority, as usual.
Nothing would make me watch a dubbed movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Nothing would make me watch a dubbed movie.
Yeah, I remember we discussed that. I was brought up on them so think to me it’s natural. I do watch plenty of films with subtitles and don’t have anything against them, I don’t dislike them, they don’t annoy me (well, apart from the bright yellow ones in The Brutalist, but that’s a bit of an aberration), but I enjoy linguistics and love to see how talented voice actors translate different jokes into different languages given it can’t be verbatim, that’s a huge part of the appeal for me.

There are plenty of films I love but find the dubbed versions funnier/the voices better. Many films for me pretty much feel like two different films depending what language they’re in.

More importantly for me, subtitles are rudimentary/strictly functional, quite often there isn’t enough time or space on the screen to translate all the detail in the original spoken phrase, and I hate that. I feel it massively takes away from meaning. It’s just what you’re used to, I think.

More importantly for me, subtitles are rudimentary/strictly functional, quite often there isn’t enough time or space on the screen to translate all the detail in the original spoken phrase, and I hate that. I feel it massively takes away from meaning. It’s just what you’re used to, I think.
Interesting viewpoint. I think you’re right, but I’m not bothered at all by subtitles. Loads Lost in Translation, but hearing the movie in its intended language is what I want. Bergman in Swedish, et al.

We have talked about this before & I mentioned one pseudo documentary about Mongolian families. First time I saw it was in its original language. Wanting to see it a second time found out it was now dubbed into American English. Crazy.