January has been a monster so far. I frickin hate this month.
Have you ever thought of volunteer work? (Why do I think I already asked this question?) I find volunteer work very therapeutic.
Of course I love spending money, but I told the sales clerk in one store who is a friend of mine that winter depresses me & I’ll come back in the spring. Unusual for me to blurt out something like this, but there’s ice everywhere & it’s terrifying. Exactly a year ago I broke my wrist on frozen white ice.

Money-wise, yeah, I relate. Try to spend less these days. And I, too, have had moments of spontaneously saying something like that to a cinema usher or a waiter or whatnot. It happens, and winter is bloody depressing. Ice is very dangerous. I’m always more worried about driving/my car slipping. I was in another car accident this morning which had nothing to do with ice, have a split lip but otherwise perfectly fine, but yeah, that’s even more of a fear now.
You did ask it, yes. I do work with children, though I don’t like to talk about it here for various reasons. I visit a church next door helping kids there with different activities. But all that is a mixed bag because if anything, I feel it’s my negativity/issues rubbing off on others on occasion.
This reminds me of the 2016 film
Christine where she goes to a support group of some sort and is told to ‘adjust her expectations’ (and then of course ends up committing suicide).
I suppose there are different forms of volunteering. I do spend as much time as I can around horses and kids and donate to these causes. I don’t know if you enjoy Palahniuk’s work/if you’ve ever read/seen anything of his beyond
Fight Club. I connect with his stuff on so many levels and have always been interested in the fact he’s worked with addicts in recovery and hospice patients (not the fact itself but how his portrayal of these things is tragicomic, cynical and decidedly not ‘inspirational’). There’s a lot of focus on how that affects the self in his work, and I’ve always found that interesting. Because I used to have health issues, I still have immense health anxiety. That severely limits how much I can engage with anything like this. I’ve actually looked into it years and years ago, but due to whatever psychological issues I have, being near ill people sends me into a doom spiral of absolute terror and I begin to obsessively see doctors and other less than sane stuff. So in my experience, that sort of volunteering has never helped me. I did always work with kids everywhere I lived (Greece, France, U.K.).
Some of my family members and a few other people in my immediate vicinity have been affected by the Ukraine war, so in a way the last 3 years for me have been non-stop volunteering and sorting things for other people, helping them get settled, find work, do the work that they are paid to do and I’m not (!!!!), translating for them, and much much more. The things I had to do to get some of them to move to the U.K. are genuinely unspeakable. They are all older than me, but now I feel like I have kids even though I don’t. I am ****ing tired, I don’t want to help anyone anymore.
I don’t know how this is meant to work for people better suited to this kind of thing, or in Palahniuk’s universe, but if anything, it’s exacerbating my anxiety and making me feel worse. Now on top of being terrified of cancer, I’m terrified of nuclear war and all naturalisations/acquired citizenships being taken away in Europe and the US (a large part of my family is comprised of naturalised citizens). All of which is to say, I’m very aware that this is something people do to feel more grounded/obtain perspective on life/‘banish stupid thoughts’, but as far as I can tell, it emphatically doesn’t work for me (at this stage in my life, at least). The overarching point being that I don’t want feel even worse, I don’t want to think about people in Ukraine/Palestine/the homeless/the sick who are worse off than me, I’m already living in perpetual terror of illness and death and feel somewhat aware of the injustice and horror in the world, and I just don’t feel it would do me any good to focus on it any more than I already do.