First movie to come to mind


Go For It (1983)

Eating popcorn - but NOT at a cinema or watching a movie

Real Genius (I think he ate at least a bite in the popcorn house)

en garde
Completed Extant Filmographies: Luis Buñuel, Federico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, Fritz Lang, Andrei Tarkovsky, Buster Keaton, Yasujirō Ozu, Carl Th. Dreyer - (for favorite directors who have passed or retired, 10 minimum)

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
The Princess Bride

A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Pan's Labyrinth

someone playing a synthesizer/electric keyboard

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
The Blues Brothers

someone using a laptop

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
A Christmas Story

Someone getting a black eye

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
Exit Plan

A movie where someone has a pet parrot/macaw