First movie to come to mind
→ in Games and Tabs
Real Genius (I think he ate at least a bite in the popcorn house)
en garde
en garde
Completed Extant Filmographies: Luis Buñuel, Federico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, Fritz Lang, Andrei Tarkovsky, Buster Keaton, Yasujirō Ozu, Carl Th. Dreyer - (for favorite directors who have passed or retired, 10 minimum)
Completed Extant Filmographies: Luis Buñuel, Federico Fellini, Satyajit Ray, Fritz Lang, Andrei Tarkovsky, Buster Keaton, Yasujirō Ozu, Carl Th. Dreyer - (for favorite directors who have passed or retired, 10 minimum)
Favorite Movies
The Princess Bride
A hundred percent death proof.
Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!
A hundred percent death proof.
Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!
Favorite Movies
Exit Plan
A movie where someone has a pet parrot/macaw
A movie where someone has a pet parrot/macaw
Desert wasteland apocalypse.
Rodent's Reviews: Delivering The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly In Film
Rodent's Reviews: PART DEUX!
Rodent's 1950-Present Sci-Fi And Futuristic Fantasy Movies
Rodent's Reviews: PART DEUX!
Rodent's 1950-Present Sci-Fi And Futuristic Fantasy Movies
Resident Evil: Retribution was my one-pointer