I rediscovered that reading Harry Potter makes me happy. I'm re-reading Harry Potter in the original British, and am picking up where I left off; Prisoner of Azkaban. Setting aside some time to read it is fairly easy and I've been enjoying the book at my typically-slow pace. I usually read a chapter every night, at least I have done roughly four of the past five nights, so it should go fairly quickly. I may read more than that some times too. It's a minimum.
The youngster needed help with his toy building project, so we worked together on it. That was fun. He's good at stuff like that. He liked the end result and had to show it off (it was a little Kinect kart racer) (it's only like six inches long and three wide) (the thing is just to have fun building). The youngster was getting upset because he needed help and I was playing in the other room, so I gave him a deal; I help him until either it's finished or we're frustrated with it, and then I can come back to my game. He was fine with that. I try my best to keep everyone calm. Maybe not "happy" because they're sometimes calm and unhappy but I try to keep them the level-headed.