Movies Where The Flashback Scenes Are Better


Uh...On Her Majesty's Secret Service. They're not just hilariously tasteless and cheesy, but they also show how bad that movie was in comparison to the ones that came before and after.
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I asked a friend about this thread and he came up with the perfect answer. He actually came up with two, but the other one I've never seen. The one I've seen:

Maybe it's cheating but A Letter to Three Wives (1949). The bulk of the movie are flashback scenes. If we're going TV, it should be Lost where many of the flashback scenes were better than the stuff in modern times.

>Uh...On Her Majesty's Secret Service. They're not just hilariously tasteless and cheesy, but they also show how bad that movie was in comparison to the ones that came before and after.

I will not stand for this defamation of George Lazenby. Yes, the movie drags but he's a damn good Bond.