Movie marathon tips


Hong Kong action film..watcher
I'm having a thirteen hour action movie marathon on Jan 31 since it was on my summer bucket list (yeah haha damn Aussie haha laugh it up)

I asked for some advice in the shoutbox, and two particular users were veeerrrryy helpful (like, who coulda thunked you're supposed to press PLAY to watch the movies??), but I'm genuinely asking for tips. I wanna have a good time.

If anyone cares, I will be watching these films:

“ABOVE THE LAW” (1986)
“MIRACLES” (1989)
“MR. NICE GUY” (1997)
“CITY HUNTER” (2024)

Since you are not asking which films to watch, I don't understand what kind of tips you are seeking.

Hong Kong action film..watcher
Since you are not asking which films to watch, I don't understand what kind of tips you are seeking.

Well, when should i start watching, what snacks, etc. Just, what would YOU be doing if you were having a film marathon.

Well, when should i start watching, what snacks, etc. Just, what would YOU be doing if you were having a film marathon.
May I recommend a nacho hat

Oh wait you were being serious?

I'd watch the complete Emmanuelle franchise.

I think if you're watching movies that long snacks are actually kinda a bad idea. You'll be snacking all day. I'd say make a rough schedule to force yourself to stand up and walk around, get some daylight, and eat real meals between some of them.

Boring, but that's literally how I would watch a bunch of movies in a row if I had to.

Hong Kong action film..watcher
I think if you're watching movies that long snacks are actually kinda a bad idea. You'll be snacking all day. I'd say make a rough schedule to force yourself to stand up and walk around, get some daylight, and eat real meals between some of them.

Boring, but that's literally how I would watch a bunch of movies in a row if I had to.

Okay, will keep that in mind.

TIP 1..get your lazy ass off the bed in between movies and have some proper meals..

So the original post said Jan 31st. I'm assuming that means it's already happened, so are any further ideas then moot?

ETA: though most of my ideas would have been preceded by questions first. Such as, with friends or by yourself? You say 13 hours, but you listed 14 movies. In my experience, with breaks, 14 movies are usually about what you aim for in a 24 hour movie marathon.

Is this roughly a noon to midnight thing?

Some type of stew/chili in a crockpot would probably work well (assuming your aren't just ordering pizza for dinner). Have a lot of healthier snacks (e.g. fruit, such as apples and bananas) so you don't feel bloated by the end. Save the carbs for when you're getting tired (eh, that's probably more a 24 hour bit of advice).

Make sure you have comfortable seating.

Figure out your breaks beforehand. I personally like trailer blocks. The length will depend on your situation, but for me I found for the size of the group of friends I have 15 minutes felt too quick, 22 minutes felt too long (except for extended breaks such as the dedicated dinner break, at which point, aiming for 40-50 minutes for that usually felt correct), so I'd usually aim for 17-18. Your crowd size and crowd opinions may vary.

Hong Kong action film..watcher
So the original post said Jan 31st. I'm assuming that means it's already happened, so are any further ideas then moot?

ETA: though most of my ideas would have been preceded by questions first. Such as, with friends or by yourself? You say 13 hours, but you listed 14 movies. In my experience, with breaks, 14 movies are usually about what you aim for in a 24 hour movie marathon.

Is this roughly a noon to midnight thing?

Some type of stew/chili in a crockpot would probably work well (assuming your aren't just ordering pizza for dinner). Have a lot of healthier snacks (e.g. fruit, such as apples and bananas) so you don't feel bloated by the end. Save the carbs for when you're getting tired (eh, that's probably more a 24 hour bit of advice).

Make sure you have comfortable seating.

Figure out your breaks beforehand. I personally like trailer blocks. The length will depend on your situation, but for me I found for the size of the group of friends I have 15 minutes felt too quick, 22 minutes felt too long (except for extended breaks such as the dedicated dinner break, at which point, aiming for 40-50 minutes for that usually felt correct), so I'd usually aim for 17-18. Your crowd size and crowd opinions may vary.

Unfortunatelly I have not had it. And I am planning to just have it with me and myself.. and start it at like 7am in the morning.

Maybe I should get some healthier snacks. I wasn't planning to.