Favorite opening scene in any movie


Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
That is an amazing scene and it was around the time of Death Proof and Inglorious Basterds that I really started to admire Tarantino and saw his work become stronger than his early material.

One of my all-time favorite films is The Ascent, which that opening scene in Inglorious Basterds always reminded me of and I would not be at all surprised if Tarantino reference it and was inspired by it:

I need to watch The Ascent again. Great film.

The Hidden (1987) combines shock, action and mystery.
One of the most gorgeous opening sequences happens in one of the worst films I've ever seen - Aguirre, Wrath Of God.

Robocop II (which I don't really care for overall, especially compared to the first movie) had an interesting opening - kind of a chain-of-events sequence...

Robocop II (which I don't really care for overall, especially compared to the first movie) had an interesting opening - kind of a chain-of-events sequence...

One of the most gorgeous opening sequences happens in one of the worst films I've ever seen - Aguirre, Wrath Of God.
Uh, no.

Reservoir Dogs had me totally hooked from the opening scene in the diner.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
The Road Warrior
The Warriors
BMX Bandits

Desperado's opening is fantastic.
A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

I don't actually wear pants.
The opening of Top Secret! is hilarious.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.