What are you doing at this very moment?
Eating gummy bears and watching the original Omen.
Last Movie Watched: Morbius (2022).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's What If?...(S3:E7).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's What If?...(S3:E7).
Favorite Movies
Just finished a nice home brew porter.
Needing to catch up on The Wheel Of Time series. They just started Season 3 and Im still on Season 2 per Prime.
On Tuesday, I managed to mildly dislocate my jaw (oxymoron of the month alert). It’s inexplicable, I wasn’t even moving. It was just suddenly out of sorts, started with a sharp pain in my ear, I went to get it checked out and apparently it’s my jaw, now one half is swollen and I feel like I’m on an ascending plane, blocked ear and all. Seeing as I can’t really chew anything, I’m drinking wine after a day of smoothies and watching Wild Babies (God bless Helena Bonham Carter). Absolutely worthwhile, that.
Last edited by AgrippinaX; 17 hours ago at 07:03 PM.