I live in Kenner, LA which is a few minutes from downtown new orleans. I was trapped inside a hospital and they rationed WATER to us and told us if we used it all we get no more. Same with food. I was starving by day 2. They took us out by boat and we were under marshal law so we could only go where they told us. My house is ****ED UP and looks like a pile of junk. this is a two story house we are speaking of. we took all our **** and now we are driving to DC.
Schools are closed until december 1st. No power or water until Novemeber. Downtown will take longer. Real estate value is down forever in new orleans. AND new orleans...my city..my hometown will never be the same.
Schools are closed until december 1st. No power or water until Novemeber. Downtown will take longer. Real estate value is down forever in new orleans. AND new orleans...my city..my hometown will never be the same.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.