Best Being-in-Love Scenes


In the movie Gia, when Gia says "and besides you were the one who always had my heart, you know"
Stewie Griffin: "You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that"

When Harry met Sally - When he tells her about everything he loves about her.

Kate and Leopold - When they are sitting on the balcony listening to Moonriver.

Wedding Singer - When he sings to her on the plane to Vegas.

Notting Hill - I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her.

Registered User
in lotr when mr precious finally gets precious... then dies

Eating you Since 1984
what about 'Enemy at the Gate'...hehe

Semi Nubian Goddess
I'm new as well, but i'll try and give my 2 cents worth! I'm a huge fan of Amelie! It's in my opinion one of the best movies today made. Close to the last scene was the most beautiful! Amelie's looking up in to his face, she gets on her tippie toes and kisses his cheek, chin, eye, forehead...then he does the same to her ending with a sweet, passionate kiss. It made me cry. I actually still tear up each time I see it.

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten about this mizzoovee' that has love.

Everyone likes retards right? Or atleast we say we do but most of the time it's pity, which is almost like, LIKE. Anyways, Benny & Joon, when that retard is like, "der-der-duuuurrr-duh-dur-dur," or something like that, then they kiss. That has my vote for most passionate scene, with the little girl and the cross from The Exocist coming in second.

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten about this mizzoovee' that has love.

Everyone likes retards right? Or atleast we say we do but most of the time it's pity, which is almost like, LIKE. Anyways, Benny & Joon, when that retard is like, "der-der-duuuurrr-duh-dur-dur," or something like that, then they kiss. That has my vote for most passionate scene, with the little girl and the cross from The Exocist coming in second.
Is that supposed to funny
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Originally Posted by nebbit
Is that supposed to funny?
No, that would be mean. Retards are people too, even if they smell like public transportation.

Originally Posted by nebbit
what is wrong with you
My mom used to put urinal cakes in with my wash, so everytime I went to school kids would pee on me and call me the ugly smurf.

[I think that's one of my best momma titles so far]

I've got nothing against people less fortunate than me, including the handicap.

Other love scene. Wayne's World: Gratuitous love scene

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by casa
garden state, the dialogue in that movie is unreal.(best date movie ever)
yep, i loved it too. but unreal? i had quite the same kinda dialog with someone, didn't turn out the same though...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

I Will Shrink You
the two movies involving romance that made me feel sadness was Amelie and Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. There are different types of sadness however. i preffer the wistfull *sigh* sadness eg ESOTSM compared with OMG i am depressed sadness such as the magdelene sisters.

I Will Shrink You
wow pimpdashizzle. your my hero.

Welcome to the human race...
Team America - "I-promise-I-will-never-die." It was stupid Hollywood romance but I still reckon it works in a sense.

The Princess Bride - "as you wish". Nuff said.

The Terminator - "I came across time for you, Sarah. I love you. I always have." Also nuff said.

I'll come up with more later.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Man of La Movies
Chasing Amy - The scene in the rain where he tells her he loves her.

10 Things I Hate About You - Her Sonnet at the end

Moulin Rouge - the whole damned thing

Love Actually - Colin Firth learning Portuguese, and then going to Portugal to propose to Aurelia

Lost in Translation - The final scene

White Christmas - Count your Blessings scene

Jerry Maguire - "You had me at hello" gets me every time.

more to come later
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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Moulin Rouge - too many scenes to count!

The Matrix - when Trinity tells Neo that thing about the Oracle and kisses him

The Terminator - When Michael Biehn's character is looking at the photograph and when he tells Sarah he was in love with her before they ever met.

Brief Encounter - the last look between Alec and Laura before he has to catch his train...*sob*...