Your favorite movie scenes of all time...


Reservoir Dogs - Stuck in the Middle With You; Mr.Blonde & the cutting of the cop's ear.

True Romance - The scene between Hopper and Walken; Sicilians are spawned by Niggers.

Platoon - Death of Elias.

True Romance - Final Scene between the cops, bodyguards, Clarence, the director, the snitch, Alabama and the Mafia hit men.

Kill Bill II - Buried Alive.

There's a lot of other classic scenes. These are the one's that come to mind.

Originally Posted by alley-kat1991
In the LOTR: The Return Of The king when Aragorn introduces all the hobbits and they go to bow to him and he says you bow to no one.
Thats one of my favorites.

Here are a few others:

Terminator 2:
the last seen as arnold is lowering himself into the steel pit and he raises his thumbs up.

Equilibrium: every single fight scene.

Boondock saints: the cat is splattered on the wall, lol. "is it dead?"
Signs: the ending
Donnie Darko: the scene where they talk about the smurfs being very sexual beings.
Armageddon:oh god, so many here. The love making scene between liv tyler and ben has to be the most geniune looking love scene i have ever seen. The end when the president give's his speech about manking with hans zimmer music playing in the background.
Jurassic Park: when they first arrive and John Williams music plays in the background as they watch the dinosaurs.
Pirates of the carribean:fight between jack and orlando at the beggining.

lots more but thats enough for now.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Cyrano's Avatar
Registered User
I just thought of another scene to add to my list:

The Poseidon Adventure: The first few minutes after the ship inverts and the Hackman's merry band climbs up the Christmas tree and leaves the dining room. As we get visually adjusted to the inverted set, the rest of the passengers argue with Hackman about whether to move or wait for help. The scene culminates with the dining room beginning to flood and the incredible overhead shot of the man falling through the skylight stunt as the scrambling passengers tip over the tree.
"I am too strong to war with mortal men! Bring me giants!"

The Last scene in Dead Poets Society where Ethan Hawke stands on the table comes to mind
The End of American beauty after the Kevin Spacey is Shot and they show all the others reacting to the shot.
In Taps when Sean Penn carries Timothy Hutton out after he has be killed.
In The Outsiders when C. Thomas Howell is reading his letter about Ralph Machcio and Matt Dillon.
The end of With Honors after Brandon Fraser, Moira Kelly,Patrick Dempsey, & Josh Hamilton goes to Joe Pesci funeral and they are walking back and Branden Fraser picks up the stone.

The Fat of the Mailbox
The single best scene is the I want to eat your face song from Naked Space.

The car washing scene in Cool Hand Luke

The horse's head scene in The Godfather

The 'You talkin' to me?' part of Taxi Driver

The showdown between Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The showdown between Henry Fonda and Charles Bronson in Once Upon a Time in the West

The helicopter scene in Apocalypse Now with Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' music

The Black Knight scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The scene where Darth Vader says 'Luke...i am your father' in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The russian roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter

are just some off the top of my head.

Bride Of Billie
1. SAW- Jaw Trap Scene
2. SAW 2- Where Amanda falls into needle pit.

Here are some of my favourtie movie scences not in any particuliar order

1. The slaugther of the french army at the begining of we were soliders

2. The last charge of the american troops at the end of the we were soliders

3. The Attempted hit on Don Vito Corleone when he was buying some friut Godfather Part 1

4.The Omaha Beach Battle in the begininng of saving private ryan

5. The huge battle at the end of saving private ryan

6. When Joe pesci shoots some waiter in the foot In Goodfellas

7. When joe pesci kills that waiter for standing up for himself in Goodfellas

8. The final scene in scarface where tony montana gets shot and falls into the pool

9. The Death of sonny in Godfather part 1

10. The night time battle at the begininng of starship troopers

Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying
Lets not forget in the movie Lucky Number Sleven the scene where mr. goodcat (Bruce Willis) kills the two black guys in the elevator. That was soo badass.

The russian roulette scenes in The Deer Hunter (Cimino, 1978)

De Niro shadow boxing to Cavalleria Rusticana in Raging Bull (Scorsese, 1980)

The Li'l Ze 'hand or foot' scene in Cidade de Deus (Meirelles, 2002)

Travis' introduction to guns by the salesman in Taxi Driver (Scorsese, 1976)

The Apocalypse Now (Coppola, 1979) establishing shot.

I agree with the opening scene of Apocalypse Now.

I also love The Marseilles from Casablanca.

The immolation scene in Harold and Maude

That final shot in The Godfather, of Kay looking through that door into a world that she can never, ever enter.

St. Crispin's Day

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I agree with the opening scene of Apocalypse Now.

I also love The Marseilles from Casablanca.

The immolation scene in Harold and Maude

That final shot in The Godfather, of Kay looking through that door into a world that she can never, ever enter.

St. Crispin's Day
Jesus, man. Where ya BEEN?!!
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Jesus, man. Where ya BEEN?!!
Heya, Delilah!
Thanks for the nice welcome back.
I've been around, just took a long break from all the forums.

Equilibrium: every single fight scene.
That movie was an instant hit with me. Why.....

WARNING: "Equilibrium" spoilers below
Because the dude never lost which is something I've never seen before.

Boondock saints: the cat is splattered on the wall, lol. "is it dead?"
Hilarious scene lmao. Loved it.

The best scene ever, ever is the one in Once Upon A Time in America, when the kids are running towards the camera in slow-motion, with that wonderful Morricone music...

All the Snout...Twice the Ointment.
The moment in "Brazil" when we (the audience) realize that Sam has lost his mind. Outstanding.

Random scenes (slo-mo, overexposed, etc.) in "Raging Bull" whenever DeNiro is in the ring. Beautifully done.

The moment when Same Neil sees dinosaurs for the first time and Richard Attenburough says, " Jurrasic Park." Chills.

The final scenes of "Planet of the Apes" (the original) and the sound of the ocean waves as it fades to black. Genius.

When the little boy opens his front door to see gail force winds blowing trees & debris through a bright orange sky in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Gasp!

The truck/fight scenes in "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Holy crap!

The fight on the rooftop that ends with the helicopter crash in "The Matrix". He is The One!

And of course, the closing scene in "City Lights". Timeless, heartbreaking & magnificent.
"Not everyone who drinks is a poet. Some of us drink because we're not poets." - Dudley Moore, "Arthur"

The final scenes of "Planet of the Apes" (the original) and the sound of the ocean waves as it fades to black. Genius.
Good call on the ocean waves.

ET - flying past the moon

Fight Club - the ending

Return of the King - Mount Doom

The Great Escape - the escape and the fence jump

Gladiator - Ending
"This isn't flying, this is falling, with style!"

Lost in never never land
I would have to go with:
The plane engine scene (at the end) from Donnie Darko.
The final scene from Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang where Downey Jr. talks about the film.
And the scene where Helena becomes, brain washed/bad in MirrorMask.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Gone in 60 Seconds - Part they start stealing the cars
Equilibrium - the sword fight
Fools Rush In - When Salma Hayek was blaming Mathew Perry about everything that happen to her.
Ghost Rider - Nicholas Cage Transforming into Ghost Rider
A.I. - Part of The Drawing
Hitch - When Hitch was teaching the fat guy how to dance