Snake In the Yard


Ok so Julia (my roommate) went outside to walk Diego (the dog) just a
little while ago and look what he found to play with..........

roommate went down and took this picture, I was too scared to go down and look

crappy picture I tried to take from the livingroom window

Im not a snake person and the darn thing is sitting right up under our
living room window I am so glad right now that we live on the second
floor, anyone know what kind of snake this is? I will be calling to the
office in the morning.

I don't know but it looks dangerous, in fact all snakes look dangerous to me
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

yeah they all are dangerous to me, I try my best to stay as far away as I can, look how close it is to the building, I hate living at the back right next to the freaking woods

Originally Posted by hazii-One
I'm not a snake person and the darn thing is sitting right up under our living room window...anyone know what kind of snake this is?
Judging by the head, body type, the scales and the size, I'd guess it's a rat snake or some kind of water snake. It's obviously not a rattler or a copperhead, and I don't think it's a water moccasin, either. Those are the only poisonous snakes in Texas, so nothing to worry about on that score. Not that the bite of a non-poisonous snake is a picnic, but you're not dealing with a deadly critter, there.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by uconjack
I'd move
Not so easy At my other house we had a Diamond Python in our kitchen Now where we live I have seen Red Belly Black snakes I had to throw rocks at it as it was heading to one of my Rabbits

There are those who call me...Tim.
Challenge it to a duel. Whoever loses has to leave, then laugh as the snake tries to hold a pistol.

Seriously though, if you're that worried about it, plus the fact that you've actually got a snake in your garden at all, I reckon there'll be a local (or not too distant) snake-service type thing, or maybe pest control that could deal with it.
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

I can't see the head well enough to say for sure, but that looks like a cottonmouth, perhaps a fairly young one. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT. These are VERY dangerous snakes, as far as American serpents are concerned. They're comparatively aggressive (copperheads and rattlesnakes are runners, not fighters, cottonmouths, on the other hand, are more decidedly territorial). They have nasty venom and a lot of it.

Even if it's not a cottonmouth, unless it's some sort of escaped pet, it's for damn sure a poisonous snake. Non-poisonous snakes just don't come that heavy-bodied in the US. Again, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Judging by the head, body type, the scales and the size, I'd guess it's a rat snake or some kind of water snake. It's obviously not a rattler or a copperhead, and I don't think it's a water moccasin, either. Those are the only poisonous snakes in Texas, so nothing to worry about on that score. Not that the bite of a non-poisonous snake is a picnic, but you're not dealing with a deadly critter, there.
Water snakes and rat snakes aren't that heavy bodied, as a general rule. On this continent, snakes that thickly built are almost invariably pit vipers of one sort or another. That relatively blotchless color combination is very common in cottonmouth (water) moccasins, and it's rare, though not unheard of in copperheads as well. The overall build isn't right to be a copperhead.

all these snake pictures, it left a little after I posted this topic I went to look out the living room window and it was gone, so this morning when me and my roommate yes we both went to walk the dog there was no sign of it so I guess it went back into the woods, but Diego was sure looking for it, he ran straight to where it was last night.

Originally Posted by hazii-One
all these snake pictures, it left a little after I posted this topic I went to look out the living room window and it was gone, so this morning when me and my roommate yes we both went to walk the dog there was no sign of it so I guess it went back into the woods, but Diego was sure looking for it, he ran straight to where it was last night.
You know what's scarier than seeing a snake? Not seeing it.

Sleep well.

Oh yes believe me I know, but by the time anyone would have made it out
it would have been gone anyway, I just hope that its gone back into the woods
and is not hanging around out back here.

I wouldnt go down there last night but my roommate on the hand went down and
stood on the landing to snap that picture I only looked out the window. Diego will just have to be walked before night falls from now on. We normally walk him early in
the morning, around noon time, and then again later on at night.
He loves to be outside and since we live in an apartment we try to take him out a much as possible so he can just roam around.

I've seen a lot of snakes.... and it looks like a Cotton Mouth to me.... shoot it

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

The People's Republic of Clogher
Good old St Patrick, banishing the legless reptiles from our island! They've been amply replaced by legless humans at chucking out time on a Friday and Saturday night though, so maybe a comeback's in the offing for Patsy?

Paradoxically I had a pet snake when I was a kid (garter snake, I think - harmless little critter who ate boiled fish) but it didn't last long before I sold it on. You don't get much interaction from snakes, y'know?

Bringing them to the park for a slither around? Getting the leash out of an evening and taking them for a drag around the block?

I prefer dogs...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Originally Posted by Tacitus
Bringing them to the park for a slither around? Getting the leash out of an evening and taking them for a drag around the block?

I prefer dogs...

LMAO my dad had two pet snakes that he found out back in his garden once, but we didnt have them long, and all we fed them were crickets from petco. I never went into the study cause thats where they were.

Originally Posted by nebbit
Not so easy At my other house we had a Diamond Python in our kitchen
I would have a heart attack and die... I saw some snakes at the zoo recently and I also saw a dead snake (by a snake hole) behind my place... I stay away from there now.

If I was president of the United States, or even better, Emperor of the Entire Planet, I'd rid the world of snakes. I'd send people out there to kill them all. They are creepy. They slither, they hiss, they sneak up on you, they bite hard, some of them rattle.... they are the only terrorists I'm really worried about.

A diamond python in the kitchen? If that ever happened to me, I'd keep a loaded gun on hand at all times.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
A diamond python in the kitchen? If that ever happened to me, I'd keep a loaded gun on hand at all times.
I wasn't very happy at all A man from Wires ( they save wildlife) came with his 2 young daughters and took it away they are very territorial and it came back a few months later he had learnt his lesson he never came back into the house

I'd become Ripley from Aliens and go into their territory, then burn them all and their snake eggs!