Man, you amaze me more with every post. BTW, you messed up your use of vB Code, I believe.
Now, first off, concerning your little essay on the expansion of the universe: let me ask you this: does all that not depend on the assumption that there's a steady rate here? What if it were started at a certain point of expansion? Is that amount of time measured in terms of how long it would take, if reversed, to shrink back into basically nothing?
Very blatant mistake on your part. Science is a way to try to ascertain knowledge through trial, error, refinement, and observation. My religion does not preach anything to the contrary of this. On the contrary, we are to fill the earth and subdue it, and you cannot subdue a place you do not know about. Are you saying it's the enemy of The Bible (the actual set of beliefs Christianity is based on), or are you saying that it is the enemy of Bible-thumping morons who fear change? They are NOT one and the same.
I didn't ask you if you cared, did I? I don't care if you don't care. I can indeed believe that something is absolutely wrong, and say so if it comes up. I'm not screaming on street corners, harassing people, and claiming I have undeniable proof. Quit wasting my time (and yours) with pointless statements.
As I've said before, I don't care if you don't care.
Yeah, uh-huh. Christianity will somehow be proven to be impossible after I die. If you say so. I guess that's easy to say now, since you won't be around then. Though, by then, you'll know for yourself.
Yes, of course. Instinct. You're missing my point: I'm asking you why you do illogical things if emotions are just chemical reactions. And, if you do do them, do you attempt to fight them? Your answer is that you're free to be illogical. That's not much of an answer. I'm telling you it makes no logical sense, you're saying you don't have to make sense if you don't want to.
Blanket? It's true. Are you thick? If all we are are cells and chemicals, than ultimate meaning does not exist. No right and wrong. Just opinion. Just a different chemical interaction from one person to another. Emotions are just chemicals. There is nothing evil. Just things your chemicals don't like.
That is a FACT. It's simple logic. I shouldn't have to explain it to a grown man like yourself. And I dunno what little rant you've got going on about American Indians...but I'm sure it's got something to do with more blanket generalizations (to use your own words) concerning Christianity.
I didn't say that. The fact that you resort to exaggeration doesn't speak well of your arguments.
What I said (I'll say it again now) is that if you only believe in things that have concrete proof behind them, you won't have much to believe in at all, and that I imagine there are plenty of things you believe without having concrete proof. I never CLAIMED to have concrete proof of God. Ever. So I dunno what you're on about.
To phrase it more accurately, you're putting your faith in man. The same species you rant over so often in these posts. Perhaps you have faith in man. I do, to a degree...but in the end, we don't know jack sh*t, and you know it.
Yeah, thousands of astrophysicists...I'm sure there are thousands of Christian scientists. Like you said: numbers don't make it so. And if people spending large amounts of money is somehow evidence, then you'll have to stand in awe of the money given every Sunday in this country alone through tithe to local churches.
So, you don't answer it? Uh huh. It's lame. I tell you it's not, and why. You say it's lame. How can I argue with that? You've persuaded me. I've explained it to you in detail, and you've got nothing to say. It's a question of logic. Let me know when you're ready to answer with something more compelling than "it's lame."
What makes you believe the Sun is older than the Earth? Did you read some research paper? And how do you know the entire thing isn't symbolic? I don't think those passages mention the Sun. Just the day. The light. Sounds pretty symbolic to me. There's plenty of debate as to how literal the beginning of Genesis is.
Laugh it up. It's true. You apparently think it's important when the followers mess up the original concept or idea that they follow. I think it's worth mentioning when the primary originators of the idea or concept are messed up themselves. So, do you have an argument, or what? Are you disagreeing? Got anything real to say in response, or just another acronym to represent amusement?
See above. I find it amusing that we go as far as to assume, for the sake of this argument, that God exists, and then we try to constrain Him to the physical laws of nature.
See, there's your problem: I didn't claim it as fact. Where'd you get that idea? Thinking of some other Christian again, are you? Lumping us all together because there's more to argue with that way. I am very content to practice my beliefs. I don't go out trying to convert people. But when someone starts talking about it, and they say something I disagree with, I speak up.
This idea of "forcing" a belief is ridiculous. Is forcing a belief on someone means disagreeing vocally when it comes up, and standing firm in your beliefs, oh yeah, then I force my beliefs on others. What it really implies, though, are people who berade you and harass you. As you can see, I'm not doing that here: takes two to dance, in case you didn't know.
Now, first off, concerning your little essay on the expansion of the universe: let me ask you this: does all that not depend on the assumption that there's a steady rate here? What if it were started at a certain point of expansion? Is that amount of time measured in terms of how long it would take, if reversed, to shrink back into basically nothing?
It's the enemy of what your religion preaches.
I don't care what you believe is right and wrong. I believe turkey sucks so does that make it absolute that turkey sucks? Of course not, that's friggin ridiculous. Something absolute is by definition not doubted or questioned. You can't claim something is absolute just because you think it is. If you believe it's absolute then it's absolute for YOU, it sure as hell isn't for me.
You can't get past page one. Your beliefs are based on the completely subjective question of what is right. Who cares what you think is right? I only care what you can substantiate. If you're going to claim things then substantiate them without saying I just think it's right.
The one you believe in will be just like what others believed. It's only a matter of time.
The one you believe in will be just like what others believed. It's only a matter of time.
Yeah, uh-huh. Christianity will somehow be proven to be impossible after I die. If you say so. I guess that's easy to say now, since you won't be around then. Though, by then, you'll know for yourself.
What I feel doesn't have to make sense. I'm a human being and as a result am totally free to have illogical opinions and feelings. Wanting to live however is a natural urge. You never see a tiger just lay down and let the other tiger kill him do you? Of course not, every living thing has a natural instinct to live and it has nothing to do with God. Animals have no concept of God yet still want to live and be liked and be loved.
That's preposterous. Simply preposterous. There you go again making blanket generalizations based on your belief in God. The American Indian was living just fine when Christians showed up and tried to push their God upon them.
That is a FACT. It's simple logic. I shouldn't have to explain it to a grown man like yourself. And I dunno what little rant you've got going on about American Indians...but I'm sure it's got something to do with more blanket generalizations (to use your own words) concerning Christianity.
I'm not being reasonable? You're pushing your beliefs on the world and I'm being unreasonable because I don't believe in mythic gods and supernatural beings. Whatever...
What I said (I'll say it again now) is that if you only believe in things that have concrete proof behind them, you won't have much to believe in at all, and that I imagine there are plenty of things you believe without having concrete proof. I never CLAIMED to have concrete proof of God. Ever. So I dunno what you're on about.
You have a "duh" belief. I have no real proof LOL, sure pal, yet there are thousands upon thousands of astrophysicists working on the issue. I guess there are some people pretty confident if they're spending billions of dollars in research. For people like you the only proof would be a Polaroid of the Big Bang and even then you'd be trying to bash the authenticity of it just like creationists have bashed the authenticity of many signifanct scientific finding throughout history. I'll take my chances with what will be proven over the next 1,000 years while your religious beliefs by defintion will remain constant in the belief of creation. I'll take that bet any day.
Yeah, thousands of astrophysicists...I'm sure there are thousands of Christian scientists. Like you said: numbers don't make it so. And if people spending large amounts of money is somehow evidence, then you'll have to stand in awe of the money given every Sunday in this country alone through tithe to local churches.
Honestly this is just so lame that it's a waste of my time. It so undeniable that it is denied completely by science. Wow... pretty undeniable.
Are you serious? The Earth being created 2 days before the moon, sun, and stars? How could the Earth have been created before the Sun if the Sun is older than the Earth? Same thing with the stars.
LMAO Let's slander the scientists now... that's great. LOL
Now explain that one to me. Aside from it being impossible for the Earth to be older than the Sun and stars, how can there be night and day without the Sun? How can there be grass and fruit trees and seeds and herbs without the friggin Sun?
Let me also say I don't hate Christians or any other people who practice religion. I totally respect people like Toose who are simply content to practice their beliefs and live a good life. It's when the religious force themselves upon others that I have a problem with it. If you want to believe creation, fine, but if you want to claim it as fact then you gotta bring the goods.
This idea of "forcing" a belief is ridiculous. Is forcing a belief on someone means disagreeing vocally when it comes up, and standing firm in your beliefs, oh yeah, then I force my beliefs on others. What it really implies, though, are people who berade you and harass you. As you can see, I'm not doing that here: takes two to dance, in case you didn't know.