whats the worst comic book hero to be made into a film


does anyone remember The Flash movie? he fought guys who rode motorcycles and threw green balls at people

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Originally Posted by hairlesswookie
does anyone remember The Flash movie? he fought guys who rode motorcycles and threw green balls at people
you mean flash gordon where he beat up ming the mersilous's men by playing american football then joining up with voltan leader of the sky men to over throw the empire i have that on dvd to lol i love the old classics

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daredevil although i did like it. i like super hero movies

Originally Posted by hairlesswookie
does anyone remember The Flash movie? he fought guys who rode motorcycles and threw green balls at people

This is the only Flash i have seen on T.V.
I believe it was not only the ratings but the high cost to make this series that helped with it's demise.

I actually enjoyed it when it aired and was rather disappointed when the network cancelled it.

As for the worst I thought, for a motion picture anyways, it would have to be the punisher, dolph lundgrun style.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
yep, i did like Flash i saw on TV better than the Punisher. not saying i favor DC against Marvel....................... i wouldn't do THAT!

trotskyist's Avatar
motivationally deficient
The Hulk, daredevil and hellboy, i guess comic book movies arent my thing. though i enjoyed the punisher.
did you know that teflon comes from spiders feet?

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
as if Spiderman, Batman, Constantine and X-Men were not worth mentioning... and From Hell either, like V and Watchmen won't be if you just call the Punisher a good comicbook movie...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

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It would have to be the Spawn for me.
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Conformist's Avatar
The Phantom by far the worst movie .... I really didnt like it
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ilsailor's Avatar
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Well I thought it would be obvious " The Hulk" was a total let down. From the acting, storyline, special effects and whatever else. A total waste of time.
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Daredevil was terrible lol
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I liked Hellboy and Hulk. My worst are Catwoman, Popeye, and Masters of the Universe (although the last one is good when you're feeling nostalgic/drunk/10 yrs old).

cmitchell's Avatar
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Punisher or Daredevil... oh how do I choose?
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Umm I would have to say Dare Devil

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