It's pretty hard to dislike Liverpool, even if I thought that Milan had been a better team during the cup and deserved to win the final as well in spite of playing like 41 year olds. Wait! They are 41 years old!
So now there's all this talk about them getting a striker like Torres to push them over the edge, but I can tell you right now, and this is a fact; That any striker that goes there with Benitez as manager, will die a horrible death goals-wise. But whoever started talking about spending power of Liverpool compared to United is missing the point. It's not how much you spend, it's how; Liverpool have taken such a high volume of players recently it's ridiculous. Most of these guys are still around, so what are they gonna do now that they have all this new money? Cut them all? How much will that cost? How many of them will have to take a pay cut elsewhere and then sue Liverpool for the difference in wages left on their old contract? Liverpool already have better depth anyway than United, who haven't bought a lot of new players recently. I mean compare Mascherano (who wanted to join United but wasn't allowed) with Darren Fletcher, who I'm fairly sure is colourblind and can't tell the difference between red shirts and other shirts which is why his passing is so godawfully bad. Er... My point is however much Benitez has to spend now, it won't make too much of a difference. They'll still be the most boring team in England.
Last edited by Revenge of Mr M; 05-26-07 at 01:02 PM.