4400 Season Four to start June 17, 2007


Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I love this show! Who else is going to be watching?

I just finished watching season three. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I picked up seasons one and two for $15 bucks each and got hooked.
Then a week later season three came out on DVD so I had to get that one too.

It's a great series and I'm really looking forward to seeing where they're going with the whole 'future conspiracy' plot.
I was a little choked to find that Lily was killed off because the actress left the show though.

The best ability of the 4400's in my opinion definately HAS to be Alana's power.
The possibilities there...

My only problem with this series is that the seasons are way too short.
Thirteen episodes isn't nearly enough.
Fear the Probe!

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Thanks for your great post Sci-Fi-Guy!

I couldn't believe it when they killed Lily! And now it looks like all of that was for nothing because Isabelle has turned out the way she has.

I really don't like the predestination thing they have going on with Isabelle. She should be able to choose to be good or bad and to do good or bad things each time a crossroad comes up.

I'm really surprised the shot didn't kill Isabelle. That's what Tom was told to do when it was given to him. That one has me scratching my head.

I think Alana is H-O-T. I hate how they keep taking her out of the story! Her power is awesome.

I was thinking last night though that if you spent too much time in it and felt you'd resolved things with another person how sad it would be when you met up with them and they hadn't experienced what you had, yanno?

I agree the seasons are too short! I want more! Always! If it's something good!

Hey, you should fill in your top ten movie list. I wanted to see because I'm into Sci Fi too, when it's good!

I'm looking forward to the new season too. Have you guys seen any of the sites USA has on the Promicin debate. I still haven't decided where I stand, but by the looks of things -- it is going to get heated. http://www.promicinpower.com/ is worth checking out. Pushing the pro-Promicin agenda. Very interesting.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I wouldn't take a 50% chance of it killing me to get a "power." No way.

Nor would I attempt to keep someone else from doing so.

I've got "no dog" in this fictional fight.

Ya, I know what you mean. But I really like how they are really pushing the issue. Both extreme sides of this debate have these cool pro and for websites....with videos and stuff and they both make pretty convincing arguments.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Hey, you should fill in your top ten movie list. I wanted to see because I'm into Sci Fi too, when it's good!
Thanks for letting me know about that in the Profile Settings, I didn't even realize it was there.
I tend to have a lot of lag and stall-out issues here and don't always click on things unless I know for sure what I'm clicking on.

And as for the 50% mortality rate on artificially gaining super-powers in The 4400, I don't see myself going for that either (and I'd really really want the powers) and would probably wait it out till all the bugs were worked out.

They seem to have alot of impatient people there on the show.
After a year or two, even the people who the drug did work on will probably find out if it was a smart move or not.
What if everything is cool at first and you gain the ability to fly, but a year later you and everyone else goes blind, has their hair fall out and grow tails while learning they have cancer?

You might be glad you waited.


And as for the 50% mortality rate on artificially gaining super-powers in The 4400, I don't see myself going for that either (and I'd really really want the powers) and would probably wait it out till all the bugs were worked out.

They seem to have alot of impatient people there on the show.
After a year or two, even the people who the drug did work on will probably find out if it was a smart move or not.
What if everything is cool at first and you gain the ability to fly, but a year later you and everyone else goes blind, has their hair fall out and grow tails while learning they have cancer?

You might be glad you waited.
haha...that's a good point. i guess you are on the anti - promicin side then. did you check out promicinterror.com yet? you might fit it in well there with their anti promicin propaganda!

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Did you check out promicinterror.com yet? you might fit it in well there with their anti promicin propaganda!
Never knew about that site.
The second video clip was awesome but the third one...Devon died???
My memory is a little hazy about the 3rd season finale but I remember her wanting to take the drug. Did they show her die in that one? I can't remember.
Gonna have to refresh myself before season 4 starts.

haha...that's a good point. i guess you are on the anti - promicin side then. did you check out promicinterror.com yet? you might fit it in well there with their anti promicin propaganda!
I'm not for or against but if someone I loved was willing to gamble away their life, then I'd be worried.
good point. i dont know if i would want anyone i love doing it either...but im not sure if it should be outlawed or not. it really is interesting...love looking at both sides with all this stuff out there.

so who watched the premiere? thought it was pretty awesome. looking at all those promicin sites had really gotten me involved. cool stuff.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I did! I did!

I thought it was a good show. The plot line about the high school boy was pretty cool. I could relate to it, until he went overboard. If you want folks to believe you'd better tell me what they are believing. LOL.

I was surprised that Isabelle is alive. I'm glad she is. IMO, she's gotten a bum rap on this whole deal. From the get go, people were all "You HAVE to be evil and do evil things." She never got a chance. I'm hoping she'll get one now.

It looks like they sent Alana to the past. I have a feeling she will be back though. She is one of the hottest women on the show.

I'm curious about what powers the sister and son are going to get.

I still want Collier taken down. He is just so arrogant. He still rubs me the wrong way. In this episode he did something good but my evil meter still goes off whenever he is on screen.

I really enjoyed the premiere!

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Alls I gotta say is thank the maker for BitLord!

Canada still hasn't gotten season 4 (and yet it's filmed right here in town - - don't even get me started on our locally shot Stargate: Atlantis being 2 seasons behind here) so I've been doing alot of downloading of TV shows (screw pirated movies, they always look like crap anyway).

I just watched season 4's episodes 1, 2 and 3 tonight and it's great to see the show back on again.

However it seems we've again lost a couple people in the cast like Allana and Richard.

No idea if we'll be seeing Allana again but Richard Taylor is supposed to appear again in episodes 10 & 11 I believe.

Despite the loss of some cast members the show does seem exactly the way I left it. New people popping up with new powers and NTAC responding as always.

Those of you not living in Vancouver probably don't even notice it but we see alot of familiar faces in all our locally shot TV shows and movies and when characters like Agent Garrity starts coughing up teeth I start thinking he's about to die and go full-time on Stargate: Atlantis (the number of actors on this show I've seen on Stargate:SG-1 and Atlantis is uncanny).

I guess head NTAC boss Nina Jarvis has moved on to Supernatural now so now we have a new one.

I like the new NTAC boss, Megan Doyle (cuz of the hawtness an' stuff) but I didn't really get the whole "she isn't allowed to benefit from the powers of any 4400" rule with her father's illness while her main agent, Tom, has his own nephew and wife as 4400s and his partner's daughter neing one as well. NOW their agency decides to limit things??

So Jordan can negate promicin powers...
It was ironic to see him take X-Men 3's Leech's powers in the season premier. Total roll reversal there (Leech's thumb wrestling idea made me LOL).

And Kyle's promicin power is an imaginary friend...?
I haven't noticed but if he can actually touch her, it wouldn't be a bad power.

I was actually thinking Kyle was gonna walk in when his Dad and Diana were dealing with the astral-projected ghost and see her but it didn't happen. (since he can see his own imaginary friend - - if that really is what she is) I assumed he might see the astrally projected one as well.)

Since Devon was seemingly the only regular cast member to die from the 50/50 chances of promicin I find it hard to believe that either Diana's sister or Sean's brother won't die from it especially after Kyle lived through it.

Somehow I get the feeling that Isabelle's powers aren't really gone for good. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Looking forward to the rest of the season and the introduction of new powers and problems.
(however 13 episodes isn't nearly enough for this series)

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Wow Sci Fi Guy excellent post! I have that warm poss rep feeling in my tummy!

It's nice to have company on this thread too!

I miss both Richard and Aliana. I hope to see them both again. They are both hot IMO. I like their characters too.

I like both NTAC bosses, or shall I say all three?

I was very surprised that Jordan who I don't like and never have, can negate powers. I was glad he could in that instance but that's scary. All this time I though he special powers were money, ruthlessness and ego. Who knew?

I don't think Kyle has ever touched his friend. I'm not sure how I feel about all of that yet. I'm not thrilled with the casting in her case. Now if he had walked in and seen the ghost who was freaking beautiful that would have been so cool! He might have been, dayum y'all why doesn't my invisible friend look like that, too! LOL.

I think it's been too long since Diana's sister took the drug for it to kill her. Her character is a stupid little brat but I'd like to see her mature. I really like that actress.

Sean's brother OTOH has not only always been a dick head, I don't enjoy looking at him. Plus he hasn't taken the shot yet so it could work with the story if he died. I could easily deal with them killing him off.

I agree that it doesn't look to me as if Isabelle's powers are going to be forever gone. Her character hasn't gotten a fair deal from the beginning. I want to see more there.