Star Wars nerd needed


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Okay, here's something that bothers me as I watch Star Wars IV on the telly at the moment.

Anakin was considered too old to teach the ways of the force in Star Wars I. However, in Star Wars IV Obi-Wan has no hesitations in teaching Luke the ways despite him being much older. Why? Options that I have considered are:

1) He feels that Darth Vader's son is the only one that can defeat Vader.
2) He feels that he has such a high count (genetically inherited from his father) that he is not too old.
3) The council aren't around to tell him that he can't. Anyway, he trained Anakin with only the grudging support of the council before.

These are just theories. Are there any Star Wars nerds out there that can give me the truth?

My vote goes for "Continuity Error".

But if I want to fit it within the framework of the movie, I would simply point out that the world of the Jedi had changed a great deal between the time Anakin was brought before the council and Luke began his training.

The Jedi Council of Anakin's time had power and stability. They had the ability to do things the best way, following the rules they'd set out for themselves. By Luke's time, the Jedi were an almost dead breed. They had virtually no power and really didn't have the luxury of doing things the way they would've considered the best way in the past.

It's just a theory, though.

Registered User
Yes, a bit of both, perhaps.

I just saw Empire Strikes Back (there is a bit of a Star Wars special on Sky this Easter weekend), and Yoda does say that his is too old to learn, although again he is a lot more willing to take it on.

You know what I love most about the Star Wars movies? I love the medieval edge to them - they wear robes, and fight with swords. There is a medieval hierarchy (Lord Vader, The Emperor) etc. A friend told me yesterday that George Lucas adopted them from medieval novels. Very interesting. I like it.

He incorporated many cultures like the Force connecting and uniting all.

Plus: Lightsabre? Samurai Jack up the wazoo!
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
He incorporated many cultures like the Force connecting and uniting all.
I liked the original version of the Force when it had those religious overtones than when they 'scienced it out' by calling it microscopic creatures or whatever the hell midicloreans are supposed to be.

It was more mystical in the original trilogy and focused more on having faith in it rather than certain people having midiclorean counts higher than others.

The whole 'Anikin is too old' thing really bothered me too.
I think Jedi being tought as children was only invented for the second trilogy to explain why they would rely on a kid to save the day.
Fear the Probe!

Why at what age should a Jedi start his/her training? easy on me

Luke is prophisized to balance the force - he has very high amount of midiclorians since anakin did. They have no other choice but to train him.

For me I like the thought that a Jedi was trained when they where young because that is a big foundation of success rather than the thought of others...