I can deal with people talking a little bit, as long as they whisper and it only happens a couple of times. Constant conversation brings out the homocidal maniac in me. I especially hate going to the movie with people who always ask me what's going on in the movie, and why somebody is doing this and what's going to happen to that person. YOU HAVE SEEN THIS MOVIE EXACTLY AS MANY TIMES AS I HAVE, BUDDY! YOU KNOW AS MUCH AS I DO!
My very worst experience was probably when I turned around to ask some chick to stop talking so loudly and she started throwing popcorn at me. At this point, the logical thing to do would be to get up and move, but I threw it back at her, and we spent the rest of the movie periodically chucking popcorn kernals. Luckily for us there were maybe 3 other people in the theater (we were watching "Life With Mikey"). It really was quite ridiculous.
Of course, all of this is moot when I am watching the midnight screenings of Rocky Horror Picture Show. The dancing and talking and throwing things is the only thing that makes that movie bearable (it's reaaaallly boring). I also enjoyed watching SW Episode One on opening day with people who cheered at the appropriate spots....