Same sex marriage & Polygamy


I always thought women were better suited for politics than men.
I've always thought women were better for everything than men. They're naturally smarter than us. Does there live a man who who can honestly say he has never in his life been outsmarted by a woman? What's embarassing is that they seem to do it so easily! And they're tougher than us, which is why they do the child-bearing. I can see a woman maybe having the first baby, not really knowing what to expect. The first time I ever had surgery, I went into the operating room smiling, not knowing what was in store for me. Now they have to sedate me just trim an ingrown toenail. Yet women go back for a second child, a third, more! Now that's tough!
Besides, they're better organized. They know where all the things are that we men can't find around the house.

I see you've been busy What did your parents (if theyrestill here, if not sorry!) thought of you having two men? Curious!
Both my Parents (now together in Heaven or somewhere) were the only people who didn't know although my Sister tells me that when she was mad with me, she told my mother just before she died. Which caused a huge rift between my sister and me for 5 yrs.
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I've always thought women were better for everything than men.

Okay, although I love women very much, and think they are amazing at many things, they sure as Hell cannot drive.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Okay, although I love women very much, and think they are amazing at many things, they sure as Hell cannot drive.
Heart Like a Wheel (1983)

I don't drive, though.

Lets put a smile on that block
Those videos are a total load of utter crap and i'm a little shocked that someone felt they needed to be made. Maybe im being as ignorant as the people on those videos, but i dont care. That just sounds like excuses masking homophobia. Surely allowing people of the same sex to marry wouldnt cause THAT many problems?

Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

My life isn't written very well.
Kinda skimmed through 5 pages of this thread--got its essence.

I got legally married MoFo's in the state of California this last summer and even as a gay man I had to question whether it was "right" or not. I remember thinking that perhaps the definition of "marriage" was defined by heterosexuals, or at least the part about being between 1 man and 1 woman. I wondered if I was getting married because we could, and come November we'd know if it were legal or not, then we could say "we got married" and write it off as a once-in-a-lifetime "thing".

But MoFo's, let me tell you the process of getting married is quite labored (and remember BOTH parties must agree on the following: the date, the venue, the rings, colors, flowers, guests, food, cake, open bar or not, invitiations, gifts, minister (or other officiate). It is quite a process, in fact it's a great way to discover how exactly your partner will react to any situation later in life; what he/she will do in the face of normal life situations. There's arguing, disagreeing. There's resentment and fear. There's judgement and uncertainty.
In fact through the wedding planning; you'll think to yourself, " I know exactly why we'll get a divorce!"

The wedding day arrives, and by now it's too late! You wake up thinking how you're now going to spend the rest of your life with this person and all of his/her defects of character. Time goes so slowly that day!

Yet MoFo's it's OK. I was given this person as a gift because just as much as I hate how he leaves his dirty clothes on the floor exactly where he takes them off, I'm sure he hates how I never admit I'm wrong. And just as I cannot understand how he needs the toothpaste rolled up from the end of the tube, I'm sure my crushing it in the middle makes him really agitated. Really agitated, but he copes.

All of this doesn't matter guys. Really all that matters is that he's there when I'm sick. He makes me laugh when I'm sad. He does something when I can't figure it out myself. He challenges me when I'm lazy. He understands when I don't have any patience. And Vice Versa. And we do all of this together, forever.
So then what is the definition of marriage? Honestly, I still don't know.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

We interrupt this discussion for breaking news ---

First of all, to make it stay on topic, I have been in a same sex marriage. It ended in July. Now my ex is getting ready for a sex filled weekend with someone else. I am declaring my slut independence because of this. From now on, Sexy Celebrity is gonna be even SEXIER.

I also just admitted to my ex's supposedly heterosexual friend that I found him sexy and wouldn't have minded fooling around with him in the past. It was such fun!

That's all. Continue.

Reporter, I know it's terrible, but at least you still have your man.

RuPaul says on his blog to trust that the ban will be lifted... so, wait a little bit longer.

Keep the love going strong.

my main thought is the guy at 1:30 in the first video has a striking resemblance to you!
If so, woof.

I've never really understood why one couples marriage (same sex/different sex/asexual/whatever) is of any business of anyone else's . Mind your own bloody business, jeez.

My life isn't written very well.
The videos are funny in that some of the editorials are filmed in San Francisco, as if to say, "Even people in San Francisco hate gays.." So obvious it's funny! Almost like those infomercial ads where they're selling a jigsaw or something and they show a woman using it as if to say, "this product is aimed toward our male audience, however look how easy this woman is using it!"

my main thought is the guy at 1:30 in the first video has a striking resemblance to you!
All us law students look alike to you!

I've never really understood why one couples marriage (same sex/different sex/asexual/whatever) is of any business of anyone else's . Mind your own bloody business, jeez.
Well obviously, this particular group of young gals and guys thought that by allowing same sex couples to marry, some of their rights would be teaching their children that homosexuality is immoral. Here's an idea, homeschool them!

On another note, will Democrats repeal the Defense of Marriage act?

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I've never really understood why one couples marriage (same sex/different sex/asexual/whatever) is of any business of anyone else's . Mind your own bloody business, jeez.
Yep, while this country broke down one barrier regarding race, it seems there is another wall of bigotry which is alive and well.

I think this is the sad story regarding this election. Even Obama has come out against same sex marriage because he knew if he did, he wouldn't win. Of course, he may really be against it. It seems that a poll shows that 70% of African-Americans in California voted FOR the ban.

As a teacher of a high number of minority students -- mainly hispanic and black -- these students make derogatory comments and snicker whenever homosexuality is mentioned. I don't think it has to do with race, though. It is about religion and hispanics and blacks are socially conservative.

I have drawn a hard line in my class and will not tolerate it. They get very quiet when I tell them I will not accept discrimination in my class in any way.

Personally, though, I think their bigotry bothers me more than anything. These people have suffered from discrimination yet they support it for other people. Shameful.

On Tuesday, we progressed to one point but also showed that we are not nearly as progressive as we need to be.

BTW, this is why the evangelicals came out in force in 2004 to vote for George Bush. His party put a lot of gay marriage bans on the ballot all over the country. It seems that there are people so concerned with telling other people that they cannot be happy that it got them out to vote. And Joe Scarborough celebrated this fact the other morning on msnbc.

I think every single voter that voted for this should be ashamed. And I'm not sorry of this offends anyone -- I think it is offensive that one group of people, based on their faith, would deny the rights of a people that simply want to be share their life with someone else and be legally married and have the same benefits as others.

It seems that a poll shows that 70% of African-Americans in California voted FOR the ban.

As a teacher of a high number of minority students -- mainly hispanic and black -- these students make derogatory comments and snicker whenever homosexuality is mentioned. I don't think it has to do with race, though. It is about religion and hispanics and blacks are socially conservative.

Personally, though, I think their bigotry bothers me more than anything. These people have suffered from discrimination yet they support it for other people. Shameful.
Ah, this is exactly what I wanted to discuss in the now defunct (but possibly soon to be reopened?) Homophobia vs. racism thread. I find it incredible that people who have suffered very similar discrimination for so long could show so little understanding for the gay rights issue.

Woof means hot to me. It's usually WOOF!, but I'm not much for enthusiasm.

I think hairy men/bears/cubs/musclebears use the word more when they appreciate a man's physique. I'm not sure, but that's what I've seen.