MoFo-verhaul? Need Suggestions


Howdy (sorry, going through a bit of a cowboy phase).

As anyone who's been around here for a few years knows, things tend to happen all at once around here. MoFo is tightly moderated and gets plenty of day-to-day attention, but every now and then we go off on some crazy spree, adding and revamping different areas and implementing all sorts of new features. Late 2007 and early 2008 was particularly busy in this regard (see: MoFo Turns Eight, Proudly Discards Training Wheels);

Things are a little busy at the moment, but are showing signs of settling down, and when that happens, I tend to get my code on, as the kids say. I'm thinking of making some fairly significant changes. Among them, I think a moderate change in layout may be called for, though certainly nothing drastic.

So, I'll get to the point: what do you guys want? A wider layout? More forums? Fewer forums? More ways to highlight active threads? More emphasis on reviews? More lists? More quizzes? More content in general? More cowbell? Completely unchanged amounts of cowbell? Now's the time to ask -- good ideas have a disproportionately likely chance of being implemented over the next couple weeks/months.

A system of cells interlinked

Love it!

Sure, wider is cool, as long as we maintain the film-strip look, which I love. I do run all my machines at a high resolution, though, so wider is better.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You're a Genius all the time
I think the layout is the balls. Very easy to navigate and nice on the eyes, too. You could maybe lose like the Movie Questions sub forum but it's not that big of a deal. Have you tinkered around with the layout a lot in the past, because I think it looks great as it is? Perfect, even.

If you're gonna overhaul some of the more nuts and bolts aspects of the site, like adding more content and whatnot, that's very cool. The only specific request I have is one I made somewhere else - Is there any way we could see the the comments we've left for people in our user cp? And maybe a longer list or a full archive of all the rep/comments we've received? I could definitely live without both of those things, though, so it's no big deal if they're unworkable or if they crowd things up too much or if nobody else has all that much interest in them.

Yeah, I think you have mentioned that before, and it's definitely something I need to do. I think this is going to end up like the Reputation Tracker; I put it off, and put it off a bit more, and then finally do it all at once with plenty of little extras.

I'll have to wait until I've upgraded the forum's software, but yeah, I'll put a more expansive Received Comments/Comments Given display near the top of the list.

Re: the layout. This layout is actually extremely close to the one our designer created years and years ago. I've made a few minor adjustments (it's a bit wider now, for one, I added a breadcrumb, and we're using some different buttons), but yeah, it's hard to imagine ever wanting to fundamentally change it. He did an unbelievable job.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I do like the layout but is there any way of making it 'shrink to fit'? So that if I am looking at the site in a resized window I can read all of it without having to scroll across? Does that even make sense??

It makes sense, and is possible to some degree, but not completely. The graphics in the header, for example, take up a minimum amount of width, and anything smaller than that will inevitably (and necessarily) force a horizontal scrollbar. The layout could be a bit more fluid, though.

Out of curiousity, why do you ask? Do you like to use non-maximized windows or do you try to visit the site with some kind of tablet/mobile PC?

This forum is visually one of the best I have ever come across. I like the idea of a dotted envelope to subscribed threads. I hope you guys don't pull and ebay and ruin the feel of the site...

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
more lists! more quizzes! definitely, are users allowed to make quizzes? or lists?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
don't get rid of the Movie Question forum! we get so many people that start threads asking the title of a movie and i think having it's own forum rather than bogging down General Movie Discussion is awesome.

i think it'd be nice to have a longer list of the comments we receive, and to be able to see ours too, like Swedish Chef was talking about. but visually speaking, i really like the layout alot and i don't want it to change.

My life isn't written very well.
How about an "Executive Suite". You know, a special forum for those of us that have been here awhile. Not sure why though and for what reason. I just know that when I leave for a period of time it's nice to know of the "old timers", like me, who's still here, what they're doing when I log back in.

Or maybe you could add a "member since..." tag
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Out of curiousity, why do you ask? Do you like to use non-maximized windows or do you try to visit the site with some kind of tablet/mobile PC?
Non-maximised windows and here's why: My son likes to watch nursery rhymes on youtube and I like to do something more interesting while he does that so we have a window each! Not sure if this is bad parenting or just plain craziness...

I'm a big fan of the format of the site now but I think bringing back the "member since" tab like reporter said would be good, not sure why that was taken away
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Not able to be around much for awhile, but since I popped in: Hows about a bigger space between the thumbs up and down for pos' and neg' rep? Thats all I got for now.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Not able to be around much for awhile, but since I popped in: Hows about a bigger space between the thumbs up and down for pos' and neg' rep? Thats all I got for now.

Good idea.... save me from wondering, when I'm half asleep, if I hit the right thumb... other than that, right now, I can't think of a thing I'd want to change... MoFo is home and I know my way around just fine...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Not able to be around much for awhile, but since I popped in: Hows about a bigger space between the thumbs up and down for pos' and neg' rep? Thats all I got for now.
A long time ago I mentioned that the thumbs up says "Thanks!", and that the thumbs down "SHOULD" say "Something other than thanks!" Just so we'd know we hit the right one.

I've also mentioned, a few weeks ago, the "When did we join?" date being put back in the profiles.

Also, aren't we automatically members of the M. Night board? If anyone who joined here, was automatically a member of the quiz board, and made aware of that, would it maybe boost the activities there? It's just a thought!

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
how about a woman's corner? where we can discuss our female issues... maybe make where we have to subscribe to it? kinda like our version of the shotbox. i think someone had already suggested sorry if i took ur idea

this is my home so don't move things around to much. i wanna be able to find my way around easy

Lets put a smile on that block
How about a Toilet area? Then we can discuss what our toilet habits are. I certainly have experienced frustration on several occasions over the years when wanting to discuss the viscosity of my most recent stool, and there just isn't a place for that kind of chat.

What do you guys think?
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!