Howdy (sorry, going through a bit of a cowboy phase).
As anyone who's been around here for a few years knows, things tend to happen all at once around here. MoFo is tightly moderated and gets plenty of day-to-day attention, but every now and then we go off on some crazy spree, adding and revamping different areas and implementing all sorts of new features. Late 2007 and early 2008 was particularly busy in this regard (see: MoFo Turns Eight, Proudly Discards Training Wheels);
Things are a little busy at the moment, but are showing signs of settling down, and when that happens, I tend to get my code on, as the kids say. I'm thinking of making some fairly significant changes. Among them, I think a moderate change in layout may be called for, though certainly nothing drastic.
So, I'll get to the point: what do you guys want? A wider layout? More forums? Fewer forums? More ways to highlight active threads? More emphasis on reviews? More lists? More quizzes? More content in general? More cowbell? Completely unchanged amounts of cowbell? Now's the time to ask -- good ideas have a disproportionately likely chance of being implemented over the next couple weeks/months.
As anyone who's been around here for a few years knows, things tend to happen all at once around here. MoFo is tightly moderated and gets plenty of day-to-day attention, but every now and then we go off on some crazy spree, adding and revamping different areas and implementing all sorts of new features. Late 2007 and early 2008 was particularly busy in this regard (see: MoFo Turns Eight, Proudly Discards Training Wheels);
Things are a little busy at the moment, but are showing signs of settling down, and when that happens, I tend to get my code on, as the kids say. I'm thinking of making some fairly significant changes. Among them, I think a moderate change in layout may be called for, though certainly nothing drastic.
So, I'll get to the point: what do you guys want? A wider layout? More forums? Fewer forums? More ways to highlight active threads? More emphasis on reviews? More lists? More quizzes? More content in general? More cowbell? Completely unchanged amounts of cowbell? Now's the time to ask -- good ideas have a disproportionately likely chance of being implemented over the next couple weeks/months.