Now this is interesting--are you saying you actually hated Bush, or are you referring to a general societal feeling of hate or at least strong disregard for Bush vs. a general feeling in your local community of approval of Obama. You know, kinda like "everybody I know dislikes him but likes the other guy."
A general societal feeling of hate vs. a general societal - not local - approvalI, definitely. I would say that if you did approval ratings in Sweden when Bush was in office he would probably get below 10 % while Obama would be more like 75-80 %. Then of course, Obama has not even been in office for one whole year yet. And I would say that generally we've gone from a genuine ant-Americanism to a mix between the usual pre-Bush skepticism and support for some of the things Obama's trying to do.
Otherwise, what was it Bush said or did to make you hate him?
Personally, but that's just me, I wouldn't say that I hated Bush as a person. But I think that his administration was a disgrace. Now, if you'd asked me about Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.... my feelings towards them would probably be much closer to hate than what I felt for Bush.
Now, why did my "local community" hate Bush. I can't speak for a whole community, but I think that we here in Sweden experienced Bush and his administration as very conservative. Here the term "neo liberal" is a common term, which has little to do with the kind of liberalism that Americans associate Obama or the American left with. Here, it's stands for conservative social and moral values mixed with laissez-faire capitalism, and in the Bush admin. case, also with christian fundamentalism and American nationalism. I also think Swedes associated the Bush admin. with hypocrisy with all its talk of freedom and democracy while at the same time passing the Patriot Act, imprisoning people without trials in Guantanamo, CIA-agents operating more or less freely in European countries - including Sweden, passing laws that helped to concentrate the Media market around a few powerful conglomerats, all the BS that lead up to the war in Iraq, the way Bush supporters talked about "the old Europe" because several countries refused to support the war in Iraq, Fox News in general and their depiction of the "islamized" city of Malmö in particular, and that kind of things.
Ever since the war in Vietnam there has always been, as I said before, a scepticism about USA and especially their foreign politics and in some groups it's been downright hate. But during the Bush years the hate was more widespread and stronger.
So Bush is penalized because he's not glib and articulate, and Obama benefits because he's a dynamic speaker. Or is it because he's persuasive? Or could it be he says things that some people want to hear and others don't? There's no right answer, maybe no answer at all. Some politicians are blessed with a gift for speaking--Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, Obama to name a few. Others--everyone in the Bush family--aren't. It's not fair or unfair, just a fact of life. I agree with you--Obama is a much better speaker than Bush, and Bush did say same some dumb things in an inarticulate way--nothing particularly frightening, given the checks and balances of the US government, but things some certainly didn't want to hear. Yet I think Bush revealed more about himself through his statements than Obama ever has. Or ever will.
You're right, Obama is an excellent speaker and Bush is not. But I was talking about what they were saying, not so much about how they were saying it. I actually think that Bush's rethorical techinque - at least in the beginning of his presidency - was quite effective. Well, obviously it was, since a majority of the people bought it. He used the same kind of trick as several presidents have done before him, Republicans as well as Democrats; he appealed to the pioneer, the cowboy, in all genuine freedom loving Americans. All of a sudden the American borders seems to be somewhere far away from the actual geographical borders we see on the map again. In some way he managed to sell the the story about how American freedom has to be defended by going to war in distant countries and that non-American civilian lives by the thousands is necessary to secure the homeland.
The fact that Bush wasn't very articulate made his supporters love him and his opponents ridicule him. The supporters thought he was easy going and likeable (and put his politics aside, I would actually agree) while his opponents thought he was plain stupid. At the end of the day, the politics is actually what decides what you thought about the guy. If he represented the politics I sympathize with, I would probably like him a lot as a person. But again, it was his administration (and especially Cheney et al) that I despised, not the man himself.
All the Constitution requires is that the president be at least 35 years old and a US citizen by birth. So yeah, the average Joe can be president over here. Which is one reason every presidential candidate tries to convince the voters he (or she) is a regular Joe (or Josephine) because there are millions of us Joes over here. I don't mind if the candidate is an intellectual, but I don't want him to think of himself as elite. I think everyone got a gutful of the self-styled elite under Nazi Germany.
Well, give me a break.. You think the elite is not in charge in your country? Of course the average Joe can be president, but he probably never won't. My guess is that our Prime Ministers have probably been more Average Joe than your presidents if we would turn that into a competition.
And speaking of Nazi Germany.. Nazism stands for National Socialism. The German Nazi state was actually very, very generous to the working class and wives of soldiers and people in general with a low income. That is, of course, if you did not belong to the wrong crowd, so to speak. And also that it was all financed with stolen property and money from jews and other countries.
The SA in Germany was a working class project from the start (and sometimes collaborated with communists), but then the SS gained power in the NSDP and everything changed.