Back to the Future Review

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Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Back to the Future is easily one of the most iconic movies to come from the 1980s. Upon its 25th anniversary in the summer of 2010 I will happily proclaim that this is as a full fledged classic. As a childof the 90s that became a teenager in the 21st Century I am proud tosay that I have been influenced by this time travelling adventure to the extent where I can quote the movie from the opening scene of part one to the closing scene of part three. It’s just that freakin’ good.

It’s a science fiction adventure purpose built on the enjoyment of everyone; it’s safe for children, it’s got jokes for adults and has loads of technical jargon for a die hard fan to rhyme off. It’s really perfect in that sense.

When you really think about all the events that unfold inBack to the Future, it can be a bit hard to take in but our story revolves around the main protagonist Marty Mc Fly and his manic scientist friend Doc Brown. Doc Brown invents a time machine, one thing leads to another and Marty ends up in the year 1955. He meets his parents, stops them from falling in love which in turn has endangered his very existence. So; he has to find Doc Brownin 1955 to “send him back to the future” while trying to get his parents to fall in love to prevent him from evaporating into nothingness.

I will admit, my short synopsis will never do the movie justice. While watching Back to the Future, everything feels simple and straightforward but; explaining the content each movie plot does make it allsound pretty ridiculous, especially the second, it’s a nightmare of a mouthful.In saying that; would it not take genius to take a storyline such as this and make it enjoyable and easy for anyone to understand? I’m going to say so.

It’s not what I’d call a side splitting comedy but the jokes are pretty funny. It’s great how Doc (in 1995) doesn’t understand Marty’s bizarre 1980’s phrases and the way he deals with the preposterous notion that Ronald Reagan, an actor in the 1950s is the president of the United States in1985, is priceless.

The actors used aren’t particularly well known nowadays but looking back, they were perfect for their roles. Imaging that Eric Stoltz was originally supposed to play Marty McFly makes me feel a bit uneasy and I know for a fact that Christopher Lloyd was born to play Doc Brown.

This is a fantastic movie and I’d recommend it to anyone so when it comes on at Christmas I suggest that you take an hour and a half to watch it. If it takes your fancy I think that you should take another few hours to watch Back to the Future Part II and Back to the Future Part III.

Nice review!

Being an old fart I remember when this one came out in the theaters... I was probably about your age

Anyway, this part:

The actors used aren’t particularly well known nowadays
made me giggle a little as back in '85 we thought that Michael J. Fox was probably the hugest star to ever walk the planet. Seems inconceivable that people don't even know who he is these days... I guess that's just the way things go. I wonder if he'd be a huge star today if he wasn't ill.

OK, you made me want to watch it again!

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
If he didn't get sick, man, he'd definatly be all over modern cinema!

I'm really glad you liked the review! It's awesome to get an opinion from someone who was there at the time! It makes me really jealous!


it is a pity...i didn't watch it...

Back to the Future II is my favorite!

I think if the same movie came out today, I'd probably avoid seeing it. It was awesome back then, though!
"Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot."
--D.H. Lawrence

I wonder why Michael J. Fox still looks young up til today.

Awesome review
I watched the 3 parts in same day on tv
Wow ! great movie by great director robert zemicks
Any one should watch realy 1st triology gets better as story proceed ( the 3rd was as great as the 1st )
I miss like these movies nowdays

michael j fox is still very iconic imo.

A system of cells interlinked
I love these films, just as much as the day i say the first in theaters. The second film is weak, over-the-top and a bit too silly, but still fun. I would rank them thusly:

Back to the Future

Back to the Future Part III

Back to the Future Part II

That said, part II is an integral part of the story, pays homage to It's a Wonderful Life with the dark, seedy alternate future, and has some fun stuff with the sports almanac. Unfortunately, Chris Lloyd's screen time is minimized (an oversight they correct in part III), and his comedy is an integral part of why BttF worked so well the first time. The first script is actually ingenious, IMO. Not only do we have the main antagonistic line of events focused on Marty correcting the past, reuniting his parents, and getting back to the present, but we also have the future events of Doc Brown's demise as a sub-plot, which is tied in elegantly. The flick is well directed and complex, but maintains a level of fun and adventure that seems breezy and simple. One of my favorite flicks of the 80s, and perhaps of all time.

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I always thought BTTF III was the weakest, I appreciate the fact that BTTF II takes advantage of the time travel mechanics, introducing alternate timelines, and viewing events from the first movie from a different perspective.

...uh the post is up there...

A system of cells interlinked
That is a fun aspect of the second one, but the screenplay itself is just weaker, IMO. The actors don't seem as comfortable in their roles, some of the events a bit below the belt for a family series of films, and Robo-Biff is cringe-worthy. The time-travel stuff IS fun though, and I will still watch the series in order, to preserve continuity and all that. Still, just not enough Chris Lloyd in part II! The alternate time line thing, with the change to a noir-ish future, is directly lifted from Capra, though.

That is a fun aspect of the second one, but the screenplay itself is just weaker, IMO.
Bob Zemeckis I think would even agree with you on that, because they did II and III at the same time, and Zemeckis once said that he felt that made II suffer.

I'm really glad you liked the review! It's awesome to get an opinion from someone who was there at the time! It makes me really jealous!
God, now I feel old after that, and I'm only 30. But I was there

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
This is like, the perfect movie. Good interesting story, fun characters, moves along nicely-- a whole lotta fun. Great film for kids and for kids I mean for me, because I can watch this a bunch of times without wanting to jump through a window. (watch 7 Spongebobs in a row, and you'll end up taking a butter knife to your wrists...) Only 2 things that bother me (and they're pretty minor) is the pimping out of the sequel at the end, and feeling old when the kids ask about the funny looking ipod. But like I said, very minor. All in all, IMO, great movie.

This film is just one of a kind. The charm and wit are so good it will have you wonder how they came up with such a concept, Michael J Fox is at his best as are the rest of the cast. Humour,comedy, science fiction, this film has it all. This film will remain timeless,I would urge anyone who loves films to add this one to their list now. The special effects are still great looking and look far better then most effects today, your heart will still be in your mouth when Marty races towards the clock tower in a bid to get struck by lightning, this is a film you will watch again and again and will always put a smile on your face.

Registered User
I often wondered, when Marty was 3 and he burns down the house, if his parents, George and Lorraine ever thought, "Hey, remember that kid named Calvin Klein at the Bottom of the Sea dance? He told us this would happen. And by the way, doesn't Marty look like Calvin?"

"Hey!!! Doesn't Marty look like Calvin?!!!" That's another argument in itself.

And as for Doc Brown, he has to remember and wait 30years to carry on that same conversation with Marty that got cuttoff when Marty stuffed an envelope into his pocket and when he awoken from the Libyans shooting at him.

Just imagine being Doc Brown. He has to clam up for 30years as we watches all the events unfolding from Marty's birth.

Mind boggling.