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Rocky Horror Picture Show

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The movie will always have a cult statis. It's actually quite a phenomenom, I've alway liked it.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

No offense to anybody, but RHPS sound horrible to me. A guy in his mid-thirties in drag is funny? I dunno... maybe it's just me and Naisy. We're in this together, and no matter what, we will stay true to our non-RHPS beliefs!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

Gracie: at what age is a man in drag inherently a funny concept to you?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Seraph of the Void
Originally posted by Gracie
No offense to anybody, but RHPS sound horrible to me. A guy in his mid-thirties in drag is funny? I dunno... maybe it's just me and Naisy. We're in this together, and no matter what, we will stay true to our non-RHPS beliefs!

Originally posted by Naisy

this movie could be simply described with five smilies:

You might be right. and the movie takes getting used to.
When I first went to the RHPS it was in New York City with friends to the 8th street playhouse theatre. Sal Mineo ran the show there and he had a preshow show. the audence interactions were unlike anything I had ever seen.
Then the auduience participation and stage show while the movie was going could best be described as a ritual dancing and singing ceremony combined with a hurling of insults at what was considered white bread americana and the vindication of what was forbidden at the time.

If you just watch the video you don't get the full impact of what the whole RHPS experience was about.

For us young teenagers it was a way to express ourselves.

However Tim Curry exudes a certain sexual charm that cannot be nailed down to description alone.

I say find a good participation script on-line, gather some friends on a weekend night, get some libations(stong ones) and try and use the lines (modify them if they are out of date), dance and sing along, and MYST the film to your hearts content.
At worst you will have a fun night of drunkenly bashing the movie with friends. at best you might understand what the movie did for teens of that generation.
"When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean "Oh, I think it is a little chilly in here. Perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed." No! I said it was cold! As in, "Oh look - my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!"

Originally posted by AzhrarnX

You might be right. and the movie takes getting used to.

used to? why do you need to get used to a transvestite alien scientist? why would you WANT to?

Then the auduience participation and stage show while the movie was going could best be described as a ritual dancing and singing ceremony combined with a hurling of insults at what was considered white bread americana and the vindication of what was forbidden at the time.
did this rituals involve sacrificing a small goat becaause quite frankly all i can see is a bunch of people going CRAZY, LOCO, not the full quid, a few sausages short of a BBQ.

If you just watch the video you don't get the full impact of what the whole RHPS experience was about.
Well im not sure what it was about, and i dont want to know, if feeling my food rise up my throat wasnt the full "impact" than i dont really think i could handle the full impact

For us young teenagers it was a way to express ourselves.
umm i was a young teenager when i viewed the movie and i cant really say it expressed anything about me AT ALL and im only 17 now days, so i wouldnt say im really old.

However Tim Curry exudes a certain sexual charm that cannot be nailed down to description alone.
i think is quite a reasonable description

at best you might understand what the movie did for teens of that generation.
hmmmmm im afraid i dont think i will understand EVER, call it subborness, ignorance, pathetic, whatever you will but i just cant figure it out.

i REALlY mean this, this wasnt a personal attack on you Az, just some things i had to say

I like to watch...
When I first went to the RHPS it was in New York City with friends to the 8th street playhouse theatre. Sal Mineo ran the show there and he had a preshow show. the audence interactions were unlike anything I had ever seen.

Just curious old were you when you went to the RHPS for the fist time? I checked your profile (as I always do when someone posts something interesting ) and it puts you in my age group (I was born in '68 and yours says you are a '67 kid).

The reason I ask is that the movie came out in 1975 and Sal Mineo, the actor I assume you are referring to in your post died around 1976 - so you must have been quite young then?

If that's the era we're talking about, I was wondering if a lot of what the Rocky Horror Show was all about went over your head - or whether it was the audience participation and dressing up etc that you remember most. That would indeed have been quite trippy for a kid.

Naisy...Don't knock it unless you try it. I've gone locally to our midnight showings and it's a blast. It's all about partying, not celebrating transvestites, sheesh. Everyone plays along, screams and throws ***** at the screen, smokes their doobie snacks, and just cuts loose. You don't have to wear fishnets to have fun there.

Well if its all about partying, than how is it a movie that allows us to express ourselves, a party is fun, not an artistic expression, im not knocking party’s just knocking the movie, I could think of a lot better movies to party on with. *Shrugs* I guess its whatever takes your fancy

You're, of course, allowed your opinion, just like everyone else. I was just making a point that it's just fun to go see. Unless you've actually gone to a midnight matinee, then you've never experienced the movie. You may have seen it, but not experienced it. As far as the expressing yourself theme, I haven't done the dress up thing. I dress in my leather, but thats it. The girlfriend I had at the time liked to dress up as Magenta. She tried to get me to dress up then, but I was to embarrassed to do it. Now? I dunno...maybe I mean, I've done karoke, and I never dreamed I'd ever do that.

The Adventure Starts Here!
The time I went (late '70s when it was all the rage), we didn't dress up at all. We didn't even really bring any props. And, even though we still had a blast watching everyone else (what a great place to 'people-watch'), we would have had more fun if we had brought toast, newspaper, toilet paper, and other props that are part of the 'talk back to the screen' experience.

The theatre experience takes going to the movies to an odd sort of interactive mode. Wild, and yes, fun.

Watching the movie years later on video was almost a bore in comparison. This movie only works with all the freaks and audience participation when you go see it live.


The DVD actually has a subtitle track that tells you when you are supposed to interact with the film. It is really quite something...

Seraph of the Void
Originally posted by 21redd

Just curious old were you when you went to the RHPS for the fist time? I checked your profile (as I always do when someone posts something interesting ) and it puts you in my age group (I was born in '68 and yours says you are a '67 kid).

The reason I ask is that the movie came out in 1975 and Sal Mineo, the actor I assume you are referring to in your post died around 1976 - so you must have been quite young then?

If that's the era we're talking about, I was wondering if a lot of what the Rocky Horror Show was all about went over your head - or whether it was the audience participation and dressing up etc that you remember most. That would indeed have been quite trippy for a kid.

Actually the first time I saw it I was about 13 (1980) then the next time I went I was 16, I was in high school. The show was quite developed by that time.

Oh and My flubb
The Show was run By Sal Piro not Sal Mineo
My bad.

Actually here is a Quote by Sal Piro himself

To the unenlightened (virgins to us) arises the question: What is all the fuss about the Rocky Horror Picture Show? From hordes of fans around the world come varied replies and responses. The answers are varied because the fans themselves have created this 'Fuss', and the reason for everyone's response to Rocky Horror is particularly personal to them.

For the first time in cinematic history, the audiences have attached themselves to a film so strongly that they have actually taken over. These audience participants talk back to the screen, make-up and dress as the characters, utilize props and parallel the film's action.

This phenomenon goes beyond the physical routines of the participants. What makes it so infectious is the theatres, the sense of creativity and expression that is brought forth and the outright fun and excitement of it all. Most importantly, a feeling of love pervades this cult as they give themselves over to pleasure and exhort the philosophy of becoming all the things they have dreamed. This response has invaded the 80s and continues in the outlook of all Rocky's followers throughout their lives.

Sal Piro
Yeah and the first time was real trippy

just read this elsewhere and felt the need to share

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Cult movie musical The Rocky Horror Picture Show is set for a makeover with a new celebrity cast and new tunes. Impressario Lou Adler, who produced the legendary 1975 movie hit, starring Susan Sarandon and Tim Curry, is putting the finishing touches to a new cast list, and he hopes to have a new TV movie version of Rocky Horror ready for Halloween 2003. Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert moviemaker Stephan Elliott is on board to direct the remake, while Moulin Rouge composer Marius De Vries has been signed up to add original music. Adler admits the project has taken a long time to come together because he has been unable to find a replacement for Curry, who played outrageously camp Frank N Furter in the original. The producer says, "I just never found the right person but now I have. We're going to wait until March and then probably do it for next Halloween." No casting details have been released, although speculation in Hollywood suggests Marilyn Manson is a frontrunner for the Frank N Furter role.
it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

Hmmm.....I was gonna scream, NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

but then I saw the MM part, now I hope they make it.

Even though no one will ever be able to play Curry's role as well as he did.

Hey FiLm Fr3aK, where did you read that information from? I'd like to share it on my site, but I need to be able to document it, and I need to know where it was from to do so.

Thanks so much!


You cause in me an impossible craving
That cannot be denied
If I decided to make you my religion
I think God would be kind

So I made a wish on a million of her stars
And registered your name on a few
That way if you forget who you are
You can look up and see a picture of you

- Poe

search the news archives at imdb,

figures the ONE time I dont put a source note on my post someone wants it... LOL...

Seraph of the Void
Well Lord Slayton was going to say it...but didn't

So I will say it.

Marilyn Manson!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?

Gott in Himmell NNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnOOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!!


21st century digital boy
I saw this a total of once in theaters (My girl at the time made me go) and it was so fun! I laughed my head off the entire time! I have seen it numerous times on video since then, but haven't gone to the theater in a while. I gotta go again. Anyone who hasn't gone MUST go. It rocks. I didn't dress up when I went and got toast thrown at me. I don't know if this is common, but I'm just warning you now....
"Look out all you mothers, I'm happy to the core, Happy like a coupon for a 20 dollar whore..." - Olly's Happy Song

It's very common Dante.

Which cast did you go to see and when did you see them? (I belogn to a Rocky Horror cast). I'm glad you enjoyed it! I know I was hooked after my frist time and started going almost every week.
