[The Texas Chainsaw Masacre 1974]
''Very Sick Movie''
Well the movie is about 5 young people who fall victim to a family of cannibals after visiting a old home on a road trip. short and sweet haha.
Well the Texas Chainsaw Masacre was a really good movie, i havnt seen this 1974 movie before but i have seen the remake from back in 2003 and i have to say this 1974 edition was alot better than the remake. Well the characters in this movie are a group of 5.... sorry to say this but annoying people, the guy in the wheel chair pis*ed me off so much, so after 10 minutes and not a fan of any of the characters i didnt think i would enjoy this movie....i was wrong. As soon i seen the big dopey crazy guy running around with a chainsaw my mood changed. This movie was sick, disturbing, intense, gripping and scary and i get these feeling's from most old horror movies, its something directors just can't seem to do with todays horror movies and its a shame. Well after we see dopey chainsaw man we meet the rest of his family for a family dinner and i must say its one of the sickest scenes in horror movies history, it was so disturbing and chilling i was sitting thinking this movie is wrong.
Texas Chainsaw Masacre is alot better than the remake and if you are like me and you havn't seen the original you should really check this out. It starts abit slow and the characters are really unlikeable but once things start picking up it has you sitting up tall on the edge of your seat. Glad i watched this movie now, sequels maybe a option now.
Last edited by LuDiNaToR; 06-04-11 at 11:58 AM.