I am a stuying to become an English teacher and I would like to share my opinion about villains in movie because I really love movies too.
Apart from villains like Hannibal, Darth Vader and Voldemort (which are of course the most common villains and the best villains ever) I think that villains like Amon Goeth from Schindler's List and John Doe from Seven need to be mentioned as well. Types likes them really give you the shakes when you are watch those movies. This is of course because of the fantastic acting skills by Ralph Fiennes and Kevin Spacey. But these are just a few among many.
And what to think of the amazing acting skills of Al Pacino and Robert de Niro in The Devil's Advocate and Cape Fear? These are also examples of great individual acting skills which deserve great honor and respect. Al Pacino,by the way, is one of my favorite movie actors of all time and I think also one of the best of our time. He can play not only villains, but also good, emotionally unstable, respected types. Everytime he plays a part in a movie, he can do it in a way that you always believe that he IS the person he plays.
Robert de Niro and Tom Hanks are also two of many other favorite actors I have. They don't always play a villain, but just as with Al Pacino, they can really BE a person, instead of playing one.
Concerning villains, I think that actors like Jack Nicholson (The Witches of Eastwick and The Shining), Philip Seymour Hofmann (Mission:Impossible 3) Dustin Hofmann (Hook) and Russel Crowe (3:10 To Yuma) deserve great recognition for their work. Not just because they play the villains so well in these movies, but also they just have their very own characteristics and they can make themselves so unique in a good way.
If you woud like to comment on this, it would be real nice. Thank you.