That's fine. I didn't know that BBCAmerica showed anything other than BBC programmes until a couple of years ago. I'd also recommend Luther. Probably the best programme on tv over here, atm and, lastly, please check out the greatness that was Garth Marenghi's Dark Place. You won't regret it.
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Everyone should check out "The Parking Lot Movie" It doesn't seen like it would be that good. But it is one of the better docs I have seen this year.
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That's fine. I didn't know that BBCAmerica showed anything other than BBC programmes until a couple of years ago. I'd also recommend Luther. Probably the best programme on tv over here, atm and, lastly, please check out the greatness that was Garth Marenghi's Dark Place. You won't regret it.
Also, don't know much about Netflix but if you're hunting Brit TV- Peep Show should be starting at the top of your list.
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I just re-signed up for Netflix (after a several years' hiatus) and am awaiting the arrival of a Wii console from Amazon this week ... so I'm jotting down some recommendations from here.
For my own part, I'll be watching Dr. Who and Torchwood first.
For my own part, I'll be watching Dr. Who and Torchwood first.
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You still recommending Luther after the pretty awful current series?
Also, don't know much about Netflix but if you're hunting Brit TV- Peep Show should be starting at the top of your list.
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I just re-signed up for Netflix (after a several years' hiatus) and am awaiting the arrival of a Wii console from Amazon this week ... so I'm jotting down some recommendations from here.
For my own part, I'll be watching Dr. Who and Torchwood first.
For my own part, I'll be watching Dr. Who and Torchwood first.
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I sold my Wii a while ago, but you used to have to get a special cd from Netflix to stream video through the Wii, I'm not sure if you still do but you might wanna check into that.
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Really? Pretty awful? I've not been sold on last week's (the first part of the second two-parter, though I did like it) but the first two-parter was excellent. Especially the first half which, I thought, was up there with the last series. Last part tonight, so there's still a chance that this second story could raise its game. The 'problem' with these two, two parters, is the lack of Alice (Ruth Wilson), who's scenes with Luther were often the highlight of any episode and who's ongoing storyline ran thoughout the series, picking up any slack and raising expectations. Expectations which, IMO, it always achieved.
Now, Peep Show's one of those 'great' comedies that I never got into. Along with Father Ted, Brass Eye, The Day Today, The Royale Family, The Office, The League Of Gentlemen, Drop The Dead Donkey, The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin, I'm Alan Partridge, Gimme Gimme Gimme and, probably loads of others. BTW, I've listed them as they are acknowledged as great comedies and I thought some others might like to check them out.
Now, Peep Show's one of those 'great' comedies that I never got into. Along with Father Ted, Brass Eye, The Day Today, The Royale Family, The Office, The League Of Gentlemen, Drop The Dead Donkey, The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin, I'm Alan Partridge, Gimme Gimme Gimme and, probably loads of others. BTW, I've listed them as they are acknowledged as great comedies and I thought some others might like to check them out.
Brass Eye has dated quite a bit but the Pedo special is still a classic. Alan Partridge I can see as an acquired taste but again classic. Never met anyone who doesn't like Father Ted though! What do you like, dare I ask?
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I agree that it works better with a case an hour, rather than over two episodes. However, along with it not really being a second series, there's also the fact that we're, effectively, 4 characters missing from the first series. I'd actually say that these episodes were/are a lot more like 24 than the first series. Despite that, it's still really good and still love it.
Anyway, as for what I like. I like a lot, but I truly love the following:
Porridge, Blackadder (2-4), The Good Life, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Phoenix Nights, Till Death Us Do Part, Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister, Open All Hours, Stella Street, The Young Ones, The Thin Blue Line, 'Allo, 'Allo (well, the first few series anway), Absolutely Fabulous, Gavin & Stacey, Are You Being Served? and Outnumbered.
Anyway, as for what I like. I like a lot, but I truly love the following:
Porridge, Blackadder (2-4), The Good Life, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Phoenix Nights, Till Death Us Do Part, Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister, Open All Hours, Stella Street, The Young Ones, The Thin Blue Line, 'Allo, 'Allo (well, the first few series anway), Absolutely Fabulous, Gavin & Stacey, Are You Being Served? and Outnumbered.
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Meanwhile, I still balk whenever you wacky Brits use the word "series" where we Americans would use the word "season."
Here, "series" is the show itself, and it's divided up into various "seasons."
What word do you use for the entire, complete group of shows as a collection?
Here, "series" is the show itself, and it's divided up into various "seasons."
What word do you use for the entire, complete group of shows as a collection?
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Programme. Though I've also heard people use "series" for the entire thing, as well.
I did hear a continuity annoucer say "Season Finale" for a British programme over here last week. *shudder*
I did hear a continuity annoucer say "Season Finale" for a British programme over here last week. *shudder*
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I agree that it works better with a case an hour, rather than over two episodes. However, along with it not really being a second series, there's also the fact that we're, effectively, 4 characters missing from the first series. I'd actually say that these episodes were/are a lot more like 24 than the first series. Despite that, it's still really good and still love it.
Anyway, as for what I like. I like a lot, but I truly love the following:
Porridge, Blackadder (2-4), The Good Life, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Phoenix Nights, Till Death Us Do Part, Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister, Open All Hours, Stella Street, The Young Ones, The Thin Blue Line, 'Allo, 'Allo (well, the first few series anway), Absolutely Fabulous, Gavin & Stacey, Are You Being Served? and Outnumbered.
Anyway, as for what I like. I like a lot, but I truly love the following:
Porridge, Blackadder (2-4), The Good Life, Garth Marenghi's Dark Place, Phoenix Nights, Till Death Us Do Part, Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister, Open All Hours, Stella Street, The Young Ones, The Thin Blue Line, 'Allo, 'Allo (well, the first few series anway), Absolutely Fabulous, Gavin & Stacey, Are You Being Served? and Outnumbered.
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It's not for me, either. I'm in England, so I don't have Netflix. I was just posting in response to PT asking me what I like, after saying I didn't like Father Ted.
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Now, Peep Show's one of those 'great' comedies that I never got into. Along with Father Ted, Brass Eye, The Day Today, The Royale Family, The Office, The League Of Gentlemen, Drop The Dead Donkey, The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin, I'm Alan Partridge, Gimme Gimme Gimme
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Yes, I prefered Extras. I thought it was very hit and miss, but The Office did absolutely nothing for me. However, I find Ricky Gervais very funny and The Ricky Gervais Show is brilliant and, while that's down to Karl and his wonderfully weird mind, An Idiot Abroad showed how Ricky and Stephen are needed to challenge him and, because they know him so well, put the 'right' questions/problems to him.
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2001: A Space Odyssey, though I think they may have pulled it. If so, then Blade Runner. And I love The Twilight Zone as well.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock
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They just put all the Star Treks, TNG, Voyager, DS9 on Streaming.
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I'm going to start posting some of my favorite movies that are on netflix to this thread. I'll start with a few right now and add some later.
Filth (2014)
Apocalypse Now
The Double (2013)
Submarine (2010)
Paths of Glory
The Grandmaster
Filth (2014)
Apocalypse Now
The Double (2013)
Submarine (2010)
Paths of Glory
The Grandmaster
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.