What Is The Most Disturbing Film?


Audition was pretty disturbing too.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Pretty Woman
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Movies like Saw,Serbian Film,Human Centipede,Cannibal Holocaust cannot scare me...they disturb me a bit,bring a little tension while i watch them,and they have effect to make people sick...but that is not scary...films that make my blood cold are eerie films,proof that blood and gore is not important at all to make a disturbing film...while most people find Ring,Paranormal Activity and Insidious scary,it did not worked on me...Ring did scare me a little,just a little,Paranormal Activity did not scare me at all,not a bit,so as Insidious...thous 3 movies scared a lot of people,they could not watch them how scary they are...so i though that i am immune to horror films...in the past 5 years maybe 3 films succeed to do that...till last night,i changed that opinion...last night i watched Woman in Black,British film from 1989...i can easily say that it is the eeriest and scariest horror film that i have ever watched...i had to stop movie about 4 times how scared i was,i barely watched it till the end...i cannot describe how scared i was...when you finish watching that movie,you can watch Hostel to calm yourself down...

Well, mostly all the movies ive seen were disturbing. I don't know, I may be wrong though.

Salo: or the 120 Days of Sodom makes most other disturbing films look like cartoons, in my opinion. So I'll go with that.
Touching from a distance, further all the time.

Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randal
While I wouldn't put this movie in a list of most disturbing I have seen, the opening scene of Antichrist is one of the most difficult scenes to watch, perhaps it's because I have a young child. It was beautifully shot, but I don't think I could watch it again.
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
i think ishqiya was most disturbing film

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I just watched the movie The Experiment and it was pretty messed up. Anything with Forest Whitaker where he has the crazy eyes just adds to the movie like The Last King of Scotland but this movie was IMO great, if you haven't seen this then you should.

I just watched the movie The Experiment and it was pretty messed up. Anything with Forest Whitaker where he has the crazy eyes just adds to the movie like The Last King of Scotland but this movie was IMO great, if you haven't seen this then you should.

yeah this remake is pretty good. but you should watch the original German version too if you haven't seen it. Coz it's a thousand times better, IMO.
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.

I just watched the movie The Experiment and it was pretty messed up
Do watch the German original, it's brilliant and far far superior. Some of the characters in it really really made me angry - this is a good thing, film is rather powerful from what I remember when I last saw it.

There are so many films made these days with directors like Tarantino and Zombie and such, picking a single film is impossible. As a horror film buff, who can watch these films without even getting scared anymore, it wouldn't be a horror that struck me. The most disturbing scene I've seen in any film ever was in Spielberg's Munich. The scene where they are killing the Dutch assasin on her house boat was horrible to watch; It emotionally shook me for along time to come.

Salo: or the 120 Days of Sodom makes most other disturbing films look like cartoons, in my opinion. So I'll go with that.
I've been reading the book before I watching the movie. The book is dreadful. Very little story, just a listing of crimes and sexual "passions" after an introduction in which each of the male characters are introduced and described (ie. genital size, prowess, etc.).

Don't know if I already mentioned it, but the Willy Wonka movies are both disturbing to me, especially the remake.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
When I watched the original Willy Wonka as a kid, the scene where there in the boat on the chocolate river and they go through the tunnel, that is a messed up scene for a kids movie.

Round the world and home again
That's the sailor's way
Faster faster, faster faster

There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a-blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
A while back I watched the movie Ex Drummer and it is quite disturbing on a few different levels, the clip below dosen't have sub titles....... sorry.

Also there is a thread here if anyone can help me with this movie..!!