Star Wars Vs. Star Trek


For years people have talked about this but we Refs want to know: Which movie is better, Star Wars or Star Trek? We aren’t asking for which one is better combat-wise because we all know that lightsabers would kick ass against any weapon the Star Trek characters had, but we’re asking which one had the best movie series?

We give the edge to Star Wars. Overall, it has a better storyline, the graphics for its time were amazing, and there’s nothing out there like a good old fashion lightsaber fight!

Star Trek is better. Star Wars fails on so many levels; for instance, Episode I is the most blatantly racist movie I've ever seen, whereas Star Trek is about individuality and acceptance - right there the philosophy is better. Sure, Star Trek is a lot more tame, but they did have some pretty good battles (Last two seasons of DS9; First Contact, etc.); of course, Star Trek isn't about war, it's about journeying throughout the galaxy.

Star Wars. I haven't seen any of the Star Trek films.
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Star Wars. I haven't seen any of the Star Trek films.
Same here. I have seen the Abrams reboot, but it didn't do much for me.


Hey now, I think bringing Episode I into this was a shot below the belt.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Same here. I have seen the Abrams reboot, but it didn't do much for me.


Hey now, I think bringing Episode I into this was a shot below the belt.
And that horrendous Abrams reboot isn't a shot below the belt? I'd sooner watch a 4 hour Teletubbies marathon than that blasphemous sham!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I would rate the movies as follows.

*Not Going to rate next generation films, although I liked First Contact.

1. Empire Strikes Back.

2. Wrath of Khan

3. Return of the Jedi

4. Star Wars

5. Star Trek (2009)

6. Star Trek 4: A Voyage Home

7. Star Trek 6: Undiscovered Coutry

8. The Phantom Menace

9. Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock

10. Attack of the Clones

11. Star Trek: The Motion Picture

12. Revenge of the Sith

13. Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier (Way, Way bottom).

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
For years people have talked about this but we Refs want to know: Which movie is better, Star Wars or Star Trek? We aren’t asking for which one is better combat-wise because we all know that lightsabers would kick ass against any weapon the Star Trek characters had, but we’re asking which one had the best movie series?

We give the edge to Star Wars. Overall, it has a better storyline, the graphics for its time were amazing, and there’s nothing out there like a good old fashion lightsaber fight!
He said which MOVIE, not series.

Star Wars (1977) is far better than Star Trek the Motion Picture (1979)

If we are talking about the entire series I'll take Star Trek, the later Star Wars movies are pretty terrible. Lucas should have stopped with the third one.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

We've gone on holiday by mistake
For years people have talked about this but we Refs want to know: Which movie is better, Star Wars or Star Trek? We aren’t asking for which one is better combat-wise because we all know that lightsabers would kick ass against any weapon the Star Trek characters had, but we’re asking which one had the best movie series?

We give the edge to Star Wars. Overall, it has a better storyline, the graphics for its time were amazing, and there’s nothing out there like a good old fashion lightsaber fight!

Ok, if you're talking movies, Star Wars takes it, hands down. I mean, they're more conclusive. Every Star Trek movie is essentially a double length episode. Whereas with Star Wars, it's one contained saga.

Pet Peeve time, I hate when people refer to special effects in a film as "graphics". Graphics are what you find in a video game, a film has "visual effects". But, whatever.

Star Wars takes it hands down. I like the philosophy of Star Trek and believe that one day, if technological advancements continue and we don't all die in nuclear/virus/zombie apocalypse, we will reach a point where we live in a Star Trek-like universe. Meaning we won't have a need for financial concerns, people will work for the advancement of the species, etc. I truly believe we can make that, but science has it's work cut out.

But, Star Wars captured my imagination when I was a child like no other films. My fondest film memories involve Star Wars and Indiana Jones. So, even though I like the Star Trek films and the idea's presented in the mythology, I have to give it to Star Wars.

BTW, why no poll attached to this thread? Come on, I want to see them duke it out!

A system of cells interlinked
Not an easy question, and I fall on one side or the other depending on context (Hi McClane). The prequel films are just abysmally terrible. Yes, I would rather watch Kirk and Spock go rock climbing in Star Trek 5 : The Final Frontier than watch The Phantom Menace again. I just can't stand it. I won't be watching Star Trek 5 again, but I would pop it in the player before Menace, that's for sure.

Both ARE ridiculous, btw. Both are pure fantasy, and not Science Fiction, per se.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Ok, that's two statements of "ridiculous". Why? Because they are fantasy films posing as Sci-Fi?

What about the human themes presented in the films? Star Wars has a very human and relatable theme about father and son relationships, especially in Jedi when Vader and Luke have their final moments together.

My memories are fuzzy on Star Trek, but isn't there a similar tale about an estranged father and son in Wrath of Kahn between Kirk and his son?

Oh, but these things are "ridiculous" because they're presented within the context of silly fantasy films. I find you're shoulder-shrugging indifference to the positive traits of these films ridiculous. Not to mention your writing off their impact on global pop culture.

I dont know. i'ts just ridiculous.
LOL, that's just ridiculous. Whatever.

See, I can do it, too.

A system of cells interlinked
Ok, that's two statements of "ridiculous". Why? Because they are fantasy films posing as Sci-Fi?

What about the human themes presented in the films? Star Wars has a very human and relatable theme about father and son relationships, especially in Jedi when Vader and Luke have their final moments together.

My memories are fuzzy on Star Trek, but isn't there a similar tale about an estranged father and son in Wrath of Kahn between Kirk and his son?

Oh, but these things are "ridiculous" because they're presented within the context of silly fantasy films. I find you're shoulder-shrugging indifference to the positive traits of these films ridiculous. Not to mention your writing off their impact on global pop culture.
Oh, don't get me wrong! I love both, really. Still, when you sit and try to consider the science etc., they are straight up ridiculous. All the old complaints: Dogfights in space with hard banking, Warp Drive, Replicators, Universal Translators...all silly.

I do like the human stories underneath, which is why I continue to watch this stuff. I'd rather focus on Picard's experiences during the episode "Inner Light" instead of pushing it aside because I think the idea of someone living an entire lifetime in 20 minutes is ridiculous.

I would say that the Star Wars series is better. However, the prequels ended up being a little disappointing. Too much computer generated scenery and effects.

Star Wars I Think !!

"He has all the time in the world ... "
I think it is a bit pointless to ask the question 'which is the best' as Star Trek was originally a pioneering TV series that spawned motion pictures & Star Wars was originally a motion picture that spawned a movie franchise. Both were of their time (one firmly rooted in the '60s, the other the '70s) & yet both were ahead of the mainstream in many ideas & concepts, let alone the technology employed to actually realise them, respectively, on television & the big screen. Plus, it is fair to say that the first Trek film wouldn't have been made if it wasn't for the phenomenal success of Star Wars. I believe many of the sets of the movie Star Trek: The Motion Picture were originally from the abandoned TV series re-vamp Star Trek: Phase II.

So, do I answer the question? I just don't see them as in competition.

My favourite of each: Star Wars IV (A New Hope) & Star Trek: Generations.

*Says whilst using an LCARS theme for Firefox*