There would be a lot more support for Palestine if they didn't target innocent children. Do you really think that if there is a god out there he's going to be welcoming these suicide bombers into heaven with open arms? This conflict has been going on for decades, Palestine has achieved nothing, other than further alienating them from the rest of the world. They have lost a lot of support and neutral supporters have been swayed onto the Israeli side, because of the atrocities they have committed - not against Israeli soldiers, but against women and children. I'm not pro Israeli or anti Palestine, I'm anti kids getting their f*ing legs blown off. You may argue Israel are guilty of killing women and children, possibly, but Palestine have turned it into a national past time. This conflict has parallels with the Northern Ireland conflict. Something that started out as a cause, descended into an open season slaughter of innocent women and children. And if the PLO continue with this as their MO, they'll go the same way the IRA did.
Every sentence in your post is nonsense,i dont know even where to start...first of all,dont put words i did not said.I never said that i think there is god who will be welcoming suicide bombers into heaven with open arm.That is just stupid,i dont believe in god and i dont support killings.That is just your patetic way to make me look like that,because clearly you have not any arguments.But only stupid person could buy that c*ap anyway.In order to have discussion with me,you wont put words in my text i havent said,just because it appeared like that to you.That is your problem that you see world in black and white.
Black and white,because situation is far much more complicated that you say.First i refuse to believe that Palestinians killed more civilians than Israelis.I think it was equal.Do you know how many killings media hidding or just dont know about them in wars?Do you know how many massacres in Balkan wars that happend in the 90s are hidden and discovered late?Do you know how many generals admit things that they did when they are dying or they are just gone crazy and cant keep that and admit everything that happened?I know how it was...Serbian media was hidding Serbian crimes,Croatian and Bosniaks was hidding their crimes,Albanians theirs...everyone was hidding their crimes and expose enemies crimes.Than world media choose what to expose from that.I just know that every wars and comflicts are functioning in that way.World media also pick sides,whose crimes to expose and whose not,world media will never say the entire truth,depending on what side correspond to their country political autority.Not just that,media also cant catch everything that is happening...And yes,do you know how many masacres happened as long ago as WW2 and was discovered in 21. century.Media is not valid sourse of informations,and what you said sounded so brainwashed by media...
Even if media is right,that isnt valid argument...who killed more children,or less are not argument at all...generals who did that,presidents,politicans,they are the ones to be blamed for that,not people.You know,you cant do wrong thing,and use exuses that someone did worse.
Now i hope that is clear to you about that killing of civilians now.
And you know,i wasnt even mentioning that in my previous post what you replied.I was saying that because Israel have one of the stongest armies and world in their hands are even one more big reason to support Palestinians.I dont want anyone to rule this world and have world in their hands.I will allways be against the ones who rule the world.And you replied to me with tottaly different story,how dare you.