I don't believe you. "It's most likely he still would have got Schizophrenia if he had not gone near any drugs and he was around the average age it can start" Drugs do it!
Marijuana: Do you do it?
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Yeah, people with mental disorders hate medication! If it isn't conspirators, it's the devil, or something else that's trying to poison them. It's really really sad. Especially when it's someone you care for.
Yeah, people with mental disorders hate medication! If it isn't conspirators, it's the devil, or something else that's trying to poison them. It's really really sad. Especially when it's someone you care for.
Don't believe me and what Doctors/Scientists say then, but do some research Powderfinger and you will see.
Pot? Tried it once as a teenager. All it did was make me goofy and hungry.
Had a girlfriend that liked to smoke it. I loved that girl. Every time she smoked, she cleaned my house for hours.
I know a couple that smoke it religiously every day for the last ten years.
They are now both slower in every way.
Does pot have any health benefits? Possibly for some with mental impairments. It definitely makes them less violent.
Pot has never nor would it ever be my cup of tea.
Had a girlfriend that liked to smoke it. I loved that girl. Every time she smoked, she cleaned my house for hours.
I know a couple that smoke it religiously every day for the last ten years.
They are now both slower in every way.
Does pot have any health benefits? Possibly for some with mental impairments. It definitely makes them less violent.
Pot has never nor would it ever be my cup of tea.
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Had a girlfriend that liked to smoke it. I loved that girl. Every time she smoked, she cleaned my house for hours.

Shrinks believe drugs affect your mind, seriously. Even Doctors will say that, too! I don't know where you get your information? Mad Scientists and Doctors maybe?
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I could see the connection. there are paranoid Schizophrenics and who isn't paranoid when they smoke?
"mild signs" Very much so! I remember going to his flat and I knocked. He opened the door then he said "they're after me" I said "who mate?" He said "Everyone!"
Then I didn't know much about Schizophrenia, but one the Shrink said "pot will destroy him" He was on medication, though with Schizophrenics don't take it!
He was good before, then he started smoking pot...then everything went sour.
Then I didn't know much about Schizophrenia, but one the Shrink said "pot will destroy him" He was on medication, though with Schizophrenics don't take it!
He was good before, then he started smoking pot...then everything went sour.
I think that one of the reasons why it helps people more is because they can feel the smoke, therefore they feel it working and you get high faster than pills. The problem with substances, controlled or uncontrolled is that eventually your body goes into a state of being used to whatever you put into it and therefore you need bigger and bigger "doses" of whatever you are in taking. That's another reason why it may not be too smart to legalize something that people already have a hard time controlling with themselves,IMO. And the reason it's called a gateway drug is also because of that. You stop getting as good of highs as when you first started smoking. You then start looking for something harder and better. Or combining Marijuana with cigarettes, or sheesha, or alcohol, or controlled substances such as hydros.
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Oh I don't even think that people should go to jail for such small crimes in comparison to others. I hate our prison system. People that are caught for having marijuana on them, selling small amounts, or "abusing" the drug don't need to go to jail. Some community service would suffice.
I always find it fascinating when some people go into detail about some subjects that they've never personaly experienced.
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. You stop getting as good of highs as when you first started smoking. You then start looking for something harder and better. Or combining Marijuana with cigarettes, or sheesha, or alcohol, or controlled substances such as hydros.
First of all, there is a consensus that we all have a unique finger print, which makes every one of us different from each other.
Immune systems are also unique and drug tolerance varies with each system. Some have a genetic predesposition towards addiction, no matter what that may be. Others don't, but may have aquired tastes.
To say that someone that enjoys marijuana will graduate to heroin is highly misleading.
What I found to be true is that certain personalities are attracted to certain types of drug, although there are people that also mix different kinds of drugs.
For the most part pot smokers are non-violent whereas meth users tend to get extremely violent. As far as coke is concerned, it depends whether one is snorting it, shooting it or smoking it and one has to take into account that on a street level, what they think is coke is 90% something else.
Heroin is totaly hardcore and the hardest to kick because of it's physiological addiction. It's kind of ironic that many try to kick it with methadone, which initself is a highly addictive drug.
Without going into the what-ifs of legalization, one thing is for sure and that's that there are plenty of alcoholics, cigarette smokers and coffee drinkers around legaly and they are all addicts. They may believe that they are not, but the way they interact with the non-users is surely telling.
I know that there are many coffee drinkers that will disagree with me about coffee being an addition. If they've been drinking coffee every day for the last few years, all they need to do is stop one day, cold turkey, and see what happens.
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This sounds like something straight out of the police academy.
First of all, there is a consensus that we all have a unique finger print, which makes every one of us different from each other.
Immune systems are also unique and drug tolerance varies with each system. Some have a genetic predesposition towards addiction, no matter what that may be. Others don't, but may have aquired tastes.
To say that someone that enjoys marijuana will graduate to heroin is highly misleading.
What I found to be true is that certain personalities are attracted to certain types of drug, although there are people that also mix different kinds of drugs.
For the most part pot smokers are non-violent whereas meth users tend to get extremely violent. As far as coke is concerned, it depends whether one is snorting it, shooting it or smoking it and one has to take into account that on a street level, what they think is coke is 90% something else.
Heroin is totaly hardcore and the hardest to kick because of it's physiological addiction. It's kind of ironic that many try to kick it with methadone, which initself is a highly addictive drug.
Without going into the what-ifs of legalization, one thing is for sure and that's that there are plenty of alcoholics, cigarette smokers and coffee drinkers around legaly and they are all addicts. They may believe that they are not, but the way they interact with the non-users is surely telling.
I know that there are many coffee drinkers that will disagree with me about coffee being an addition. If they've been drinking coffee every day for the last few years, all they need to do is stop one day, cold turkey, and see what happens.
First of all, there is a consensus that we all have a unique finger print, which makes every one of us different from each other.
Immune systems are also unique and drug tolerance varies with each system. Some have a genetic predesposition towards addiction, no matter what that may be. Others don't, but may have aquired tastes.
To say that someone that enjoys marijuana will graduate to heroin is highly misleading.
What I found to be true is that certain personalities are attracted to certain types of drug, although there are people that also mix different kinds of drugs.
For the most part pot smokers are non-violent whereas meth users tend to get extremely violent. As far as coke is concerned, it depends whether one is snorting it, shooting it or smoking it and one has to take into account that on a street level, what they think is coke is 90% something else.
Heroin is totaly hardcore and the hardest to kick because of it's physiological addiction. It's kind of ironic that many try to kick it with methadone, which initself is a highly addictive drug.
Without going into the what-ifs of legalization, one thing is for sure and that's that there are plenty of alcoholics, cigarette smokers and coffee drinkers around legaly and they are all addicts. They may believe that they are not, but the way they interact with the non-users is surely telling.
I know that there are many coffee drinkers that will disagree with me about coffee being an addition. If they've been drinking coffee every day for the last few years, all they need to do is stop one day, cold turkey, and see what happens.
Now I know that these are only a couple of examples and in know way can they be related if we took a poll because you need a lot more then that, but I do know that you usually almost 100% turn to something else, or already have been smoking something else, such as sheesha or cigarettes.
Realistically in my mind, I believe that cigarettes are more of an addiction and a "gateway" than maybe marijuana. I remember smoking and right away I would get a temporary high.
I in no way said that you go to heroine or cocaine, maybe you decide to pop pills instead, think its safer.
This is of course just my opinion, but what I see and hear and have experienced for myself, tell me these things are true. Call me naive for just having this opinion, but I don't want to go out there and test it out lol.
Also Coffee drinkers are addicted, if they stopped drinking, their head would feel like 50 pounds heavier. I've seen that in a few people also, they have to keep drinking it or really bad migraines may occur.
Fair enough. The problem with general assumptions is that they are not only assumptions but general as well.
It's not like everybody out there is always looking for some kind of high, or low for that matter.
When you are in a group setting, peer influnence does contribiute, but mostly to followers but there are a lot of strong minded individuals that find other ways to enjoy life.
I was athletic and got off on the andrenaline rush or took risks where I had some kind of control.
Control freaks never want to put themselves in a situation where they are so wasted that they are at the mercy of others.
Pill popping, like ecstacy or queludes, are choice highs but many people take percosets and vicodine because of injuries and pain and then fall into addiction.
I've had broken bones and had to take pain killers such as kadian ( morphine based drug ) and let me tell you, kicking it is hell.
For the most part, it's your mind that can control any thing and if your will power is strong enough, it can overcome almost everything.
I'm always looking to find natural alternatives to prescription drugs.
Even though I take xanax and lunesta to help me sleep, I sometimes substitute them with warm milk and a banana and it works for me.
I also drink cranberry-rasberry juice every day to clear my kidneys.
That, combined with milk, banana, orange and a tespoon of honey a day has kept me in reasonable health, even though I've had the kind of injuries that had made most people cripples, but the mind is the one that ultimately decides yes or no.
It's not like everybody out there is always looking for some kind of high, or low for that matter.
When you are in a group setting, peer influnence does contribiute, but mostly to followers but there are a lot of strong minded individuals that find other ways to enjoy life.
I was athletic and got off on the andrenaline rush or took risks where I had some kind of control.
Control freaks never want to put themselves in a situation where they are so wasted that they are at the mercy of others.
Pill popping, like ecstacy or queludes, are choice highs but many people take percosets and vicodine because of injuries and pain and then fall into addiction.
I've had broken bones and had to take pain killers such as kadian ( morphine based drug ) and let me tell you, kicking it is hell.
For the most part, it's your mind that can control any thing and if your will power is strong enough, it can overcome almost everything.
I'm always looking to find natural alternatives to prescription drugs.
Even though I take xanax and lunesta to help me sleep, I sometimes substitute them with warm milk and a banana and it works for me.
I also drink cranberry-rasberry juice every day to clear my kidneys.
That, combined with milk, banana, orange and a tespoon of honey a day has kept me in reasonable health, even though I've had the kind of injuries that had made most people cripples, but the mind is the one that ultimately decides yes or no.
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Working out used to be addiction for me also. The physical stuff is the best kind of addiction in my opnion because you still have your mind with you.
I'm also pre diabetic and hate taking metphormine like I used to. I would rather take something from a supplement store to curb my ever growing appetite (symptom for certain diabetics) than take Metphormine, which made me sick and nauseous everyday.
All in all, a natural high on life and feeling good and happy is really where it's at. Too bad it's not the norm anymore.
I'm also pre diabetic and hate taking metphormine like I used to. I would rather take something from a supplement store to curb my ever growing appetite (symptom for certain diabetics) than take Metphormine, which made me sick and nauseous everyday.
All in all, a natural high on life and feeling good and happy is really where it's at. Too bad it's not the norm anymore.
I understand people who use Pot for bad sickness....cancer and such. If I was dieing, I would try to stop the pain.
If it came down to it, I probably would too. But it would suck, although the pain would go away for the time your high, it would probably still be on the back burner and make the high a downer, unless you are a really good positive thinker.
If you haven't seen 50/50, it had a couple funny scenes while their high, it's a great movie.
If you haven't seen 50/50, it had a couple funny scenes while their high, it's a great movie.
If you haven't seen 50/50, it had a couple funny scenes while their high, it's a great movie.