Rush Limbaugh is an idiot


This is by far the funniest thing I have seen all day.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

I've had 2 brain injuries, though I'm sure he's had a few more than me. I think his deranged of his facilities.

His teeth sound bad, that much is true.

I'll translate: "Please give me attention. Please? Just a little? Seriously, I want it. RIGHT NOW. Pay attention to me. I mean it. I want some attention. I NEED attention. Just a little. Come on. Do it. Give me attention. Okay? Wannit so bad. PLEASE??"
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

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Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
There are so many things wrong with that
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Rush Limbaugh is a character. I don't think he really believes in what he says, he just says these things for ratings and attention. He's a whore with no morals, basically.
Let's talk some jive.

The people that are the loudest and absolutely dumbest in this country have the most clout and by far, the most influence over the masses through the media.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

In the Beginning...
Rush Limbaugh is a character. I don't think he really believes in what he says, he just says these things for ratings and attention. He's a whore with no morals, basically.
Agreed, but as Powdered Water pointed out, this is precisely why the man should be ousted. We don't need a disgusting false persona holding sway over public opinion for the sake of ratings.

In the Beginning...
Agreed. I'm all for booting out the Michelle Bachmanns and Harry Reids of our nation's Congress. But I think Limbaugh is more dangerous than any of the rabble-rouser politicians because he's so unavoidably omnipresent, particularly for those who choose to listen to his radio program. He's everywhere.

That is why on the list of people I hate (which includes Jimmie Johnson the racecar driver, Angelina Jolie, Glenn Beck and Nancy Grace), he is right behind Angelina Jolie.
Going 18600 miles per second.