Movie You're Watching Tonight


My Hunger Games blu-ray came through today and it's a 15 rating instead of the cut 12A rating it had in the cinemas here. So will be watching the 15 rated version tonight. It's gone from moderate violence to strong violence apparently. Will see.

Feel like watching a fantasy film so I'm probably going to watch Legend on Blu Ray. Then might even watch Willow on DVD later.

I just finished watching Angels and Demons. Since I didn't like The Da Vinci Code I half-expected it to be a waste of time, but I actually enjoyed it. I kept thinking if National Treasure and The Bourne Identity had a child, that would be it.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Going to try and finish Solaris (1972), great movie so far just a bit slow and 3 hours long.
Definitely stick with it, the ending is very rewarding and well worth your time.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

I hadn't watched Independent Day for about maybe 12 years and It's really bad. The one liners and such...mate, I was laughing out loud! My rating..

I meant Independence Day and It's like a comedy.

Registered User
Can't believe I haven't seen it yet, but going to watch the godfather.

Can't believe I haven't seen it yet, but going to watch the godfather.
Get Godfather l & ll

Airplane what a movie
"Be careful when quoting from internet sorces you cant always be sure they are authentic"Abraham Lincoln
Another Great forum

Oh, man! I love Independence Day, and not in the "so bad it's hilarious" kind of way. It's solid blockbuster material all the way through.
I know you're young so I'll forgive you, as well you're Aussie from Qld....maybe I won't forgive you as I'm a New South Welshmen in Queensland. I'm kidding of!

There is a movie theater that plays movies that are a month or 2 away from hitting dvd/BR and only charges 4 bucks. Might go see Ted or Spiderman or maybe even both.