Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I watched L.A Confidential for the first time ever yesterday, i thought it was a fantastic film, it definitely makes it in to my top 10 of the 90s.

I'll give it 9/10

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Id never heard of this film before but i was pleasently surprised. Its definately like nothing ive seen before and have to admit at times i was a bit lost but i would reccommend giving this a go.

Reservoir Dogs -

This was QT's first movie, but it's so good and so well-made that it makes it seem like he'd been making movies for at least one decade before he made it. This was the third time I watched it, and I definitely enjoyed it more than the previous two times, and damn, I find it so hard to rate a Tarantino movie as his second best (his masterpiece being Pulp Fiction, of course, and I don't think that this will ever change). I am definitely going to have to see all his work again though before I can form an opinion.

Anyway, back to Reservoir Dogs, it is safe to say that I love every minute of this movie. I mean, it is by no means flawless, or perfect, but I simply cannot think of anything that I'd add or remove from the movie. The dialogue is superb, which is what I mostly love about the film, each performance is brilliant; I especially love Michael Madsen and Steve Buscemi, the music is pretty good and I also like the camera work, colours and the atmosphere of the movie. It's made on a low budget which is what makes its achievements even more impressive to me. My favourite scene has to be the escape of Mr. Pink. For me that scene is just perfect, it just looks so real.

Zombie Preparedness Expert
The Bay

7/10 - I wasn't expecting much, but Barry Levinson manages to make both found footage and eco-horror work. If you don't like found footage as a whole, you probably won't get as much out of it.

I saw Life of pi and the rating of this movie is 7.9/10

Side by Side

Wonderful documentary with tons of incredibly gifted and knowledgeable guests. It talks a lot about how improved camera and editing technologies have expanded the potential for filmmakers to specifically tailor their films to their imaginations. So many sequences in so many films simply would not have been possible in the past and this film brings out several instances of that. It's also an effective but succinct study on the evolution of the art of cinematography in general. There are some people posting in some threads on this website who need to see this before they continue to argue against the cold hard truth.

Proximity, I can't see the images in your last two posts, so don't know what films you're talking about. Same goes for a couple of other posts on this page as well.

As for the last movie I saw....

Hard Eight (or Sydney) (1996, Paul Thomas Anderson)

TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

Well what you see is what you get with The Raid: Redemption. There's not enough substance for you to even care about the dialogue scenes, which are like nails on a chalkboard. The choreography of the extensive fight scenes is without a doubt impressive, and makes the film watchable from start to finish.

Seven Psychopaths

I wanted this film to entertain me and make me laugh, and I had plenty of laughs and fun until the last half hour when it started to fall apart. This is why I refuse, at least for now, to rate this movie higher than 3.5, or 7/10. It has a pleasant start but it has some sort of a bitter ending, which in the end disappointed me a little.

Anyway, for me the positives definitely outweigh the negatives, this is a pretty good movie and I'm glad I saw it. It is well written, well directed and the performances are pretty good. The camera work was also top notch.

I watch Life of Pi movie

and the rating of this movie is 8.5/10

The Island (2000)
Sorry but what film is this? Can't seem to find anything on IMDB with that title from the year 2000 and surely you don't mean the 2005 Michael Bay film?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You're right. It's Ki-Duk's film. I just knew the Polish title and roughly translated it to The Island, but there's no difference between island and isle as I am concerned.