Day of the Dead: 1985 (NR)
USA / United Film Distribution Company
While Zombieland was a lot of fun, there are no greater zombie movies made other than those by the zombie movie king, George A. Romero. And his original trilogy of zombie movie has stood the test of time. This movie is the final installment of the Dead trilogy, taking place in the bunker of a military facility located in Fort Meyer Florida. At this time the world has been overrun by zombies, George liked to blend in satire with each of his zombie movies, and this movie is a satire on the military and by extension the government. The military is represented by Captain Rhodes, and the science department is represented by Dr Logan (nicknamed Frankenstein) and Sarah. Sarah wants to continue experimenting on the zombies to find a cure, while Frankenstein has had himself a bit of a break down and believes he can get the zeds to behave; which is a very unpopular idea among the military members. Captain Rhodes (like many officers I have met) is a complete tool. He is very full of himself and is constantly at odds with Dr Logan. He has no interest in the science projects; he wants to kill all the zombies; which was the proper tactic in the beginning, but now that the zombie apocalypse is in full swing, the proper course of action is planning his ex-fil. The enlisted members are crude, racist, and undisciplined. Either these were the sh*t bags of the company who miraculously survived, or these were some ******** they pulled off the streets and pressed into service. And since a few of them are fat and all were privates despite being in the 30’s either interpretation is possible. Now granted we in the infantry are very foul mouthed crude and tell some very sick jokes, but we do so in the company of other infantrymen and not around females otherwise there are serious consequences. But then again Captain Rhodes seems to be the sole authority of military justice, and I doubt he is going to stop and hold a hearing about feeling getting hurt. Sarah and her friends are also uneasy around Rhodes as once he decides it is time to bug out, the majority of them will be expendable and they have to plan their escape as well. The movie is a great zombie flick and is one of the best examples I can give for practical gore effects in a movie. The make-up was also fantastic, and there were lots of great scary elements for fans of the genre. Over all a great movie, and it is number 36 on my list.

Day of the Dead: 1985 (NR)
USA / United Film Distribution Company
While Zombieland was a lot of fun, there are no greater zombie movies made other than those by the zombie movie king, George A. Romero. And his original trilogy of zombie movie has stood the test of time. This movie is the final installment of the Dead trilogy, taking place in the bunker of a military facility located in Fort Meyer Florida. At this time the world has been overrun by zombies, George liked to blend in satire with each of his zombie movies, and this movie is a satire on the military and by extension the government. The military is represented by Captain Rhodes, and the science department is represented by Dr Logan (nicknamed Frankenstein) and Sarah. Sarah wants to continue experimenting on the zombies to find a cure, while Frankenstein has had himself a bit of a break down and believes he can get the zeds to behave; which is a very unpopular idea among the military members. Captain Rhodes (like many officers I have met) is a complete tool. He is very full of himself and is constantly at odds with Dr Logan. He has no interest in the science projects; he wants to kill all the zombies; which was the proper tactic in the beginning, but now that the zombie apocalypse is in full swing, the proper course of action is planning his ex-fil. The enlisted members are crude, racist, and undisciplined. Either these were the sh*t bags of the company who miraculously survived, or these were some ******** they pulled off the streets and pressed into service. And since a few of them are fat and all were privates despite being in the 30’s either interpretation is possible. Now granted we in the infantry are very foul mouthed crude and tell some very sick jokes, but we do so in the company of other infantrymen and not around females otherwise there are serious consequences. But then again Captain Rhodes seems to be the sole authority of military justice, and I doubt he is going to stop and hold a hearing about feeling getting hurt. Sarah and her friends are also uneasy around Rhodes as once he decides it is time to bug out, the majority of them will be expendable and they have to plan their escape as well. The movie is a great zombie flick and is one of the best examples I can give for practical gore effects in a movie. The make-up was also fantastic, and there were lots of great scary elements for fans of the genre. Over all a great movie, and it is number 36 on my list.