MoFo Health Thread


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.

Changing my diet doesn't seem like too much of a big deal, I just hope it helps with the pain and the constant feeling that I have to go when I don't.

Again, this is just me looking things up on the internet based on my symptoms. It could very well just be constipation.

I'll try and change my diet and if it continues, then go see a doctor.


Some people might not want to let people know about their health, but I figured there should be a thread for those who want to keep people updating on such a thing.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

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Depends how long you've had it. I have had periods of two weeks tops with that and it corrects itself. It has to be chronic to be serious.

I didn't have that when I was your age.

Try prune juice. That gave me the runs last time I had a problem and it is a natural laxative if it works. It tastes nasty though and I still have a bottle in the freezer. Been in there for over a year. I should throw it out. I won't drink it unless I have to.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

"Do you know what 'Nemesis' means?"
Licorice is a good alternative to prune juice (tastes better too), but I'd agree with others here who say get it checked by your doctor.

Alternatively, you could try the mathematician's method... work it out with a pencil

Looking up medical symptoms on the internet is one of the worst things you can do, if you think there is something wrong with your body, just go to your Doctor.

Not all but it makes some people panic - I remember when I first did it years ago(haven't since) I wanted to see what was happening when I had a problem with my heart, I choose all the symptoms and so on and the first thing to come up in the list was a form of Cancer...

Since this is from last year, I hope it didn't turn out to be IBS, UsualSuspect?

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Also, could be stress levels. I normally don't have stomach issues at home, but when I had to travel for work and be in a stressful meeting my stomach would be a wreck.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.
I have colitis, though years ago I was put on a medication for one year. However, the Dr said it may come back anytime....even 20 years from now.

I figured I'd make a thread on those who might want to keep people updating on their health, since I believe I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which is really an inconvenience and not curable.

Changing my diet doesn't seem like too much of a big deal, I just hope it helps with the pain and the constant feeling that I have to go when I don't.

Again, this is just me looking things up on the internet based on my symptoms. It could very well just be constipation.

I'll try and change my diet and if it continues, then go see a doctor.


Some people might not want to let people know about their health, but I figured there should be a thread for those who want to keep people updating on such a thing.
Mate, I take this now..
Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF0095.JPG
Views:	682
Size:	216.2 KB
ID:	9507  

Probably more than that..

Dip it in some cyanide.
Both of you go to your room! lol!

I might even regret this later but what the hell. Okay, I am suffering from severe constipation atm. Hence, I have decided to give 50+ rep points to the person who can name ONE food item (laxatives don't count obv) that will give me INSTANT relief.

However, it does not count if it's some expensive vegetable/fruit that I haven't even heard of, or if it's chamomile tea. I've already tried the latter and although it works to some extent, my patience is wearing thin.

yours truly

Prunes or Caster oil.
I've tried prunes. It didn't quite work as effectively and as quickly as I hoped. Caster oil sounds like something that falls into the "food item I've never heard of" category. But thanks for your concern.

It's psychological. If you need to take a *****, you have to be in the mood to take a *****. Otherwise, it's like being pee shy, but in the other exit door.

Listen to these fart sounds. It will get you in the mood to get it all out. You're constipated because of a mental block.
It isn't a mental block, trust me.

Constipation is a joke. I have never been constipated. To me, it just doesn't exist. It's a mental thing.
It isn't m8. Trust me because I've literally forgotten how it feels like to do a number two.

BlueLion - Have you tried exercise? I struggle a lot with bowel problems and find that the more I move the more my bowels move too.
I don't exercise at all. Does walking your dog for 30 minutes every evening count? I used to do like 40 push ups a day during the summer but that wasn't helping. This thing has been going on for months.

I don't even drink enough water. I've nobody but myself to blame really.

It's all in your head. Read Dr. Sarno. He'll tell you.
it isn't for the umpteenth time. Besides, how can you know when you've never experienced it?

I don't exercise at all. Does walking your dog for 30 minutes every evening count?
Not really. You need a more intense workout for it to make a noticeable difference and drinking more water will help too.