Man of Steel: Have you seen it?

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A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
@The Rodent. I guess I respect your opinion(at least someone enjoyed it I suppose), but I respectfully disagree on all accounts. If anything, it's the second half of the film that's awful. The overabundance of CGI,explosions,mayhem, and ridiculous nihilism hurt my eyes and honestly. Was borderline offensive to my intelligence.If that wasn't bad enough, the film delivers a "Happy" ending when the entire city is in ruin and millions of innocents have lost their lives. Superman was an A-Hole, the dialogue was awful, the forced romance was awful.The only highlight was Shannon, who I genuinely liked.
Definitely agree on that. The first half wasn’t half bad even though it’s a blatant knockoff of Batman Begins but the final battle was long and chaotic it was damn near head ache inducing. I don’t see how people watching it in theaters managed to make it through the finale without some earplugs and/or some sedatives. I enjoy similarly large and drawn out battles in the Lord of the Rings and The Avengers but Man of Steel put movies like 2012 and Transformers to shame in the over the top action department.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

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I have seen this film and I must say that I thought it was rather great in my opinion. I simply loved the approach they took with the hero because they made him one of us. Aside from the great CG work in the movie, the story was actually strong enough to hold up to serious fans.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I have seen this film and I must say that I thought it was rather great in my opinion. I simply loved the approach they took with the hero because they made him one of us. Aside from the great CG work in the movie, the story was actually strong enough to hold up to serious fans.
Hi Zack, welcome to Movie Forums!

I did see it. And it was quite terrible. But it was nice watching Henry Cavill for a couple of hours.

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GRAVITY- 4/4--- Star Trek Into Darkness- 3.5/4

A system of cells interlinked
Not a great film....

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I saw it a couple of days ago. I think this may have been the most bored I have ever been watching a movie. I don't mind a dark approach to Superman, but dark does not need to equate dull, lifeless and boring. Even Amy Adams, whom I normally love, was flat. Then all the over the top CGI was really jarring in contrast.

I'm normally someone who will give a movie a second chance, but I felt tortured enough watching this once. It sucked.

Registered User
I saw it twice. First time it was really bad, very boring and predictable. Second time, I turned my brain off and enjoyed it.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Man of Steel was a disappointment. The bad script, lackluster performances from Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner, and overdone special effects just made me say "meh", although I do give enormous credit for the choreography of the fight scenes. That's how you make a Dragon Ball Z movie, I'm telling you.
haha absolutely spot on! I'd love for a DBZ movie with those types of fights and large scale destruction.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

haha absolutely spot on! I'd love for a DBZ movie with those types of fights and large scale destruction.
Yeah the last live action Dragonball movie gave us a generic high school setting and crappy romance subplot lifted from every teenage comedy ever made! A POX ON THAT MOVIE!

Meh. Had sooo much potential, what a disappointment. Muted and bleak colors in the most bland way possible (rather than the beautiful Melville type), headache inducing finale, under/poorly developed characters, bloated length, pretentious script/symbolism (a word I *really* hate using), just a generic and forgettable mess on every level. Let's hope this tragedy is forgotten one day.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Meh. Had sooo much potential, what a disappointment. Muted and bleak colors in the most bland way possible (rather than the beautiful Melville type), headache inducing finale, under/poorly developed characters, bloated length, pretentious script/symbolism (a word I *really* hate using), just a generic and forgettable mess on every level. Let's hope this tragedy is forgotten one day.
Hardly, Batman v Superman seems to be the follow up so it's a long time before this is forgotten, especially considering the box office success.

Some dazzling stuff, but on a second viewing I found this joyless and with a bad-taste love of destruction in the finale.

A friend pointed out that Batman V Superman may be based around The Dark Knight travelling to Metropolis to smack Superman down for the senseless property destruction and the final act of killing.

If only...

Man of Steel was a disappointment. The bad script, lackluster performances from Russell Crowe and Kevin Costner, and overdone special effects just made me say "meh", although I do give enormous credit for the choreography of the fight scenes. That's how you make a Dragon Ball Z movie, I'm telling you.
The actual writing in the original Dragonball manga is actually quite excellent (significantly superior to any Hollywood superhero film I ever watched, which is not a hard feat though). It sold 200 million copies in Japan and was read by all age demographics, it's a classic. I read it when I was 13 (almost the same age as Donnie and Hitchfan here) and found the humor extremely witty and the characterizations were 3 dimensional and very interesting. It's certainly better than most other popular young literature such as Harry Potter and Twilight.

So want an example of bad writing? All Hollywood blockbuster superhero films, they THE definition of bad writing in your face. Don't watch another crappy 200 million dollars cash grab supermen movie and expect it to be well written and acted.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
So want an example of bad writing? All Hollywood blockbuster superhero films, they THE definition of bad writing in your face. Don't watch another crappy 200 million dollars cash grab supermen movie and expect it to be well written and acted.
They may not have the best writing ever but some superhero movies like Iron Man, The Avengers, Superman II, and The Dark Knight are still very enjoyable movies with great performances. Man of Steel...not so much.

After finally watching it, it was pretty disappointing, but I think the mistakes from this movie can be fixed in the sequel.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

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I'm gonna give this one a second chance. Just bought the DVD, will probably watch this weekend. My wife liked it, but mostly because she thinks Cavill is hot. :-/

Man of Steel is technically lovely, well shot and well acted, it just lacks the emotive core of Nolans bat movies. If they had spent more time with Ma and Pa Kent and less time destroying a city it may have worked a little better for me.

I am not asking for Malickian superhero angst, just a little more character detail.

3 stars for me

The movie is not that much satisfactory. The comments are also making the viewers lit bit disappointing.
But still the movie can be watched once but can't be watched again and again.
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The movie is not that much satisfactory. The comments are also making the viewers lit bit disappointing.
But still the movie can be watched once but can't be watched again and again.
Agreed. For most good superhero films, I can easily watch them again in a couple of months or so. But Man of Steel was a bit exhausting because it FELT so long. I might watch it again, but not in the near future.