Favorite Woody Allen Film?


Woody Allen ranked so far:

Midnight in Paris (2011) -

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) -
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) -
Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) -
Deconstructing Harry (1997) -

Annie Hall (1977) -
Manhattan (1979) -
Stardust Memories (1980) -

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) -

I think STARDUST MEMORIES is Woody's most narcissistic film...Woody's character here is probably more full of himself than any character Woody has ever played.

Must be doin sumthin right
I think STARDUST MEMORIES is Woody's most narcissistic film...Woody's character here is probably more full of himself than any character Woody has ever played.
Which even for someone so self deprecating is say a lot. I agree that he bit off more than he should of with SM, but I still like that he took those sorts of detours in his career. Also I like Jessica Harper

I absolutely love THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO...I think Mia Farrow should have received an Oscar nomination. I also might as well get this off my chest too...I am one of the few people on the planet who hated ANNIE HALL...how that film won the Oscar for Best Picture over stuff like STAR WARS, JULIA, and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS is a total head scratcher to me.

The Guy Who Sees Movies
My favorites were his old ones that were actually funny like Sleeper, Love and Death, Annie Hall and then fast forward to Midnight in Paris. I'm partial to the 1920's ambience and love Fitzgerald's books, so the thought of being able to time-shift back then and go to a party at Gertrude Stein's place, meet Hemingway and Man Ray, get drunk with Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald is hard to resist.

I love SMALL TIME CROOKS too, but it is hardly a barometer on which to judge Allen's genius as a filmmaker. See MANHATTAN, DECONSTRUCTING HARRY, THE PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO, CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS, ANOTHER WOMAN, INTERIORS, and BROADWAY DANNY ROSE and then tell me SMALL TIME CROOKS is still your favorite Woody Allen film.