Who is your favorite superhero of all time?


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chaq686's Avatar
Since the movies came out, I must say Iron-Man. He became a superhero for the necessity of survival and redemption. No parents, uncle, wifey or sons getting killed, no drama in his background. He fights for himself. Not matter how bad are things going for him, he just don't give a ****, he just deals with real issues. Also he gets the bitches.

Since the movies came out, I must say Iron-Man. He became a superhero for the necessity of survival and redemption. No parents, uncle, wifey or sons getting killed, no drama in his background.
Technically his father and mother died before he really got to talk to them, which was highlighted in the 2nd, but yeah, you're pretty much right there.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Well I like 2 not on this list



But out of the list maybe either Batman or Ghost Rider (not the movies)
yes ghost rider is not very popular.. But Batman is Number one according to the poll results
My english is little bit weak.. try to understand please

Technically his father and mother died before he really got to talk to them, which was highlighted in the 2nd, but yeah, you're pretty much right there.
yeah chaq686 is slighty right

Well, my favourite has always been Spider-Man. Then Batman, Wolverine, Xavier, etc.
humm,,, your spiderman is on second number hero according to the poll results

I like Iron Man (okay okay I like Robert Downey Jr. actually )
But the best superhero film for me is The Dark Knight.
if you like the dark knight.. You should vote to batman.. But he is already on the first number

if you like the dark knight.. You should vote to batman.. But he is already on the first number
maybe but Batman himselft might be the last thing I like about The Dark Knight ))
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

I'm happy about it. Batman is always going to be first in polls like this.
great shuperhero spidy...
SpiderMan vs Amezing spiderman
What do you think... ?

maybe but Batman himselft might be the last thing I like about The Dark Knight ))
hummm,, what do you think about Xman movies?

hummm,, what do you think about Xman movies?
I like the older movies but I didn't like the Origins:Wolverine.I saw First Class when it was out,don't really remember much but I didn't like it as much as the originals.

I like the older movies but I didn't like the Origins:Wolverine.I saw First Class when it was out,don't really remember much but I didn't like it as much as the originals.
humm,,, but wolverine is my favorite character
Because he is a different type of superHero.. So Amazing ...