The MoFo Musical Countdown - Group Watch

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Trouble with a capital "T"
"Something for everyone!"...Then I'm assured to like it Cool choice! Looking forward to it. I'd been thinking about watching this for awhile now. I'll check it out tonight.

I rewatched A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Movieforums today. It's an enjoyable musical comedy starring the legendary Yoda and featuring an ensemble of lovable characters. I enjoyed the songs, especially the dance routine featuring SpelingError and Citizen Rules.

(I also rewatched A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. It's a well made, entertaining musical comedy, although not one of my all time favourites. Some fun performances and enjoyable songs.

Trouble with a capital "T"

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966)

Those flies! I wondered what was up when I seen scenes like the one above which is a screenshot I took myself from the movie. The answer is at IMDB's trivia section for the movie.

Funny movie too!...StillMellow was right Zero Mostel is a blast in this, so is Phil Silvers and Jack Gilford and the older couple were good too. There were so many cleverly funny bits in this film that I laughed out loud and that doesn't happen with all comedies. The songs were catchy but what impressed me most was the detail in those sets! It looked like ancient Rome, at least I thought so. And those stunts, like the falling down the stairs and the chariot race, ouch! A classic, wacky comedy from the mid 60s that I needed to watch and I'm glad I did.

Just finished A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and I thought it was pretty good. With a couple exceptions, the musical numbers didn't stick out to me that much and the consistent male gaze got tiring after a while, but in terms of its humor, I found it very clever and was impressed by the numerous inventive set pieces throughout it. I also found the stunts well-choreographed, with the terrific chariot chase at the end being the standout. Overall, I think I enjoyed the style more than the story, but it still had plenty to offer in that front, so I'm okay with it.

Watched it. Regret this one too.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
(Richard Lester, 1966)

This painfully unfunny jumbled mess felt way longer than it was. I wasn't even bothered by the fact that it was a musical - the songs were fairly sparse and instantly forgettable - but damn these characters were annoying and the story was lame. For something that is ostensibly a comedy and even put the word "funny" right in its title it sure failed to even make me crack a smile. I've laughed more times watching Schindler's List than I did this dud.

I knew better than to give a 60s musical a shot and I stupidly went and did it anyway. Oh well, I still hated it less than The Music Man.

Watched it. Regret this one too.

YEOWCH. Well, thanks for playing.

I personally love the songs, which is why it sticks out so much in my head. If they feel a bit sparse, it's because they actually cut out about 4 songs from the stage play its based on, but none of them were particularly funny or memorable. I like the movie the way it is.

Its main flaw is yes, it is definitely a 'male gaze' sort of movie. Does NOT pass the Beshdel test. But I grew up with it and still love it. Thank you to everyone for watching!

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Its main flaw is yes, it is definitely a 'male gaze' sort of movie. Does NOT pass the Beshdel test. But I grew up with it and still love it. Thank you to everyone for watching!
I can understand that some people would be uncomfortable with that 'male gaze' in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum...and of course we're all individuals who react differently to movies and that's all fine and good.

What I think alot of people wouldn't be aware of today was, that the whole sexy woman/revealing clothes/sexual dancing in that movie, was in part, a result of the sexual revolution and the birth control pill that was first introduced in the U.S in 1960. The birth control pill gave women freedom with control over conception and allowed them for the first time to be as sexual as men had always been. It didn't happen overnight but as the 1960s progress, women began to be more open sexually, and that new found sexual freedom is reflected in many mid to late 1960s movies. I'm not saying the film is all about women's new found freedoms, but I do see at least the influence of the sexual revolution that took place in the 1960s.

Bechdel test

I can understand that some people would be uncomfortable with that 'male gaze' in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum...and of course we're all individuals who react differently to movies and that's all fine and good.

What I think alot of people wouldn't be aware of today was, that the whole sexy woman/revealing clothes/sexual dancing in that movie, was in part, a result of the sexual revolution and the birth control pill that was first introduced in the U.S in 1960. The birth control pill gave women freedom with control over conception and allowed them for the first time to be as sexual as men had always been. It didn't happen overnight but as the 1960s progress, women began to be more open sexually, and that new found sexual freedom is reflected in many mid to late 1960s movies. I'm not saying the film is all about women's new found freedoms, but I do see at least the influence of the sexual revolution that took place in the 1960s.
That's interesting context, but in regard to the bolded, my issue with a handful of films of the era and this one is they aren't equal opportunity in sexuality and it's mainly just the women who are sexualized instead of the men. Which could've still been handled well if it featured that in moderation, but given how often women were portrayed in this manner (at times, it felt like their scantily clad scenes outweighed their fully clothed scenes) made the film feel cowardly.

Also, this round will be open for about 24 more hours. It doesn't look like we have any new participants, so if nobody else joins, I'll choose between Allaby, Citizen, Vicky, and myself.

I know this is all a silly tangent, but how the heck would the birth control pill explain the fact that women were appearing near naked in movies before the Hays Code?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know this is all a silly tangent, but how the heck would the birth control pill explain the fact that women were appearing near naked in movies before the Hays Code?
It was due to the first sexual revolution. Look it up. It coincides with the loosening of societal morality standards that took place immediately after WWI.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also, this round will be open for about 24 more hours. It doesn't look like we have any new participants, so if nobody else joins, I'll choose between Allaby, Citizen, Vicky, and myself.
Any chance Sean could have another chance? If he wants. I feel kinda bad that we didn't watch his choice.

Any chance Sean could have another chance? If he wants. I feel kinda bad that we didn't watch his choice.
It doesn't look like he's shared his thoughts in this round yet, but if he does, I'd be happy to let him choose next, unless Allaby or Vicky would like a chance to host next.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It doesn't look like he's shared his thoughts in this round yet, but if he does, I'd be happy to let him choose next, unless Allaby or Vicky would like a chance to host next.
Sure that's fine. But in that case I'm not waving my chance to go next