Can a Prequel EVER be a Good Film?


Can a Prequel EVER be a Good Film?
8 votes
Yes-There are lots of good Prequels
35 votes
2 votes
7 votes
No-but there are rare exceptions
4 votes
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The Bib-iest of Nickels
I think that it's poor execution, in-general, we basically can foretell the conclusion prior to it actually happening, it's the journey that generally makes the movie.

If theres a real story, and not something contrived to make money (Episodes I-III) then a prequel works. I disagree on the Prometheus take as I thought the Alien origin made incredible sense and the movie was solid. Great art?! At times, but not everything has to be perfect everytime.

The Hobbit was an awesome novel, and better than any of the 3 books in the Ring trilogy after. Theyre wanting to stretch out the movie to two just to make money, and the first Hobbit ran too long for my taste. I feel the next one will deliver.

From wiki list,Godfather II is probably the best prequel looking objectively (critics etc.) but it is something like a half prequel.
I also thought of The Godfather II. And Kill Bill, Vol.2, as well. These kind of films seem like some of the best 'prequels' - the ones that give a back story and continue the story at the same time.

Re: Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Even if it is a reboot, it is still a prequel to Planet of the Apes. And I enjoyed 'Rise' a lot.

Recently watched the hobbit, I actually think it's better than the original three movies, I also enjoyed wolverine and first class more then the first two x-men movies.

I enjoyed The Hobbit and that was a prequel. Then again that was an established story before the original trilogy was made. So that helps. A prequel for the sake of squeezing out more money from a franchise however, is a very poor idea.

X-Men Wolverine and First Class (but they do have masses of continuity errors)...

Red Dragon.

That's about it for me really. They're still not as good as the originals though.
X-Men First Class is a VERY good film. Yes, not as good as X2 but it proves it can be done.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
I agree Rise of..Apes is a prequel, and a good one. I'm not understanding how its NOT a prequel. Also, I first thought of Godfather II, but it sort of is and sort of isn't, because the movie is split, but also its a great one.

I think Episode I is a good movie, its actually my favorite Star Wars movie, and I consider this a prequel also.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes isn't a prequel because it isn't connected to the original films.
It's a reboot. A fresh start.

The Thing (2010) is a prequel as it is a direct lead up to the original 1982 film...

... Rise of The Planet Of The Apes isn't a lead up to the original Apes films, it's a retelling of the story that will lead eventually to remakes of the originals.

Ok... the obsessive compulsive in me is playing up...

WARNING: "Original Planet Of The Apes Film Series" spoilers below

The first two original films... Planet Of The Apes and Beneath The Planet Of The Apes... are actually the end of the story.

They show how humans who have travelled through time end up being the destroyers of all life on Earth.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th films that were made:

3rd: Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
4th: Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes
5th: Battle For The Planet Of The Apes

... are really the prequels of the original series. They're set before the first two films.
They explain a time loop, a disease and a revolution that all lead to how Apes become the dominant species over man.

If anything, if you want to watch in chronological order the movies should be watched like this:


If anything, the new film, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, could be said to be a remake of the third and fourth films, Escape and Conquest, just rewritten and then combined into one feature film.
Rise is a full on reboot. The original series has been started, made and finished. There is nothing left to tell.

Rise is a remake/reboot with a fresh updated storyline based on the original story. What they're doing, is making the films in the correct order because of the original films being made out of chronological order... kinda like Star Wars being made out of chronological order.

The next part is going to be Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes which I reckon will take elements of the original 4th and 5th films.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time

... Rise of The Planet Of The Apes isn't a lead up to the original Apes films, it's a retelling of the story that will lead eventually to remakes of the originals.
Oh. Okay, see I didn't realize that. I haven't seen the originals, and from what I understood and was told, this was supposed to explain "the beginning", or how the apes came to be what they were which then of course leads to them blah blah blah and so on and so forth. So now I understand why this was said.

Edit: Ignore original edit, I wrote it before reading the post before this one. Gotchya. Same general idea, totally new scripts, plots, everything. Ok.

When I first saw Paranormal Activity 2 not knowing it was a prequel to the first was a nice surprise. Too bad the rest of the franchise has since gone down hill. Not that to say PA2 is without it's glaring flaws. Etc.
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We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think Star Trek (2009) and The Godfather Part II are real good examples
I wouldn't consider either a Prequel.

Star Trek is a reboot, also taking you on an alternate timeline as opposed to every Prequel.

Godfather 2 is only part Prequel.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Probably the very first prequel was The Golem: How He Came Into the World (1920), the third in the series. The other two are lost films, but it is generally thought the third and last one, done on a larger budget and set in the proper period, is the best.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Agree with Gandalf... Star Trek is a retake... it rewrites the history completely... even though it's the same universe as the original series, films and spin-offs.

The alternate timeline basically reboots the whole thing.

Don't think that the "dollars trillogy" was really meant as a trilogy, think that was more of a marketing thing.

the good the bad and the ugly was set before the other two but theres no indication that a few dollars more is set earlier than fistfull of dollars.

Welcome to the human race...
was thinking of starting a "best prequels" thread after seeing furiosa but decided to check if one existed first. how has a movie forum been online for almost a quarter of a century and not once has anyone directly asked this question. the only results are just threads about individual films and this, a thread asking if it's even possible for a prequel to be good. what are we doing here.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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for example "Revenge of the Sith", you know who will survive, who will die, where they will go etc. No matter what happens in the movie you are thinking, "that character is obviously in no danger because they made it to the next movie".
Terrible example. With all 6 original films being out, there's a good chance a lot of people who are new to these movies will watch them in order starting with Episode 1. Therefore, they may only have a vague idea of who characters are - maybe not even that.